Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sony Dvp Sr200p Burned

sun and sea of blood ...

Jean-Marie is a novelist Dallet discreet, he shies away from the small-world Germano Pratini ... and because it skims the seas on his ship between France and the South Pacific (the world is so large). Tahiti seems to have become his garden and by extension the scene of his work as a novelist, like tigers From reported a case of piracy in the waters of Polynesia French who made headlines in the late nineteenth century. Because she was on the sidelines of the Dreyfus affair, the two protagonists the brothers found themselves in prison Rorique cayenne same time as him, especially because in France intellectuals (Zola, a libertarian journalist named Séverine ...) took up the cause of the two brothers formed a pressure group to secure their release.
But the fact of which the accused does one?
In seizing the ship Niuroahiti and killing its crew.
But the accusations are based solely on the testimony of the ship's cook and set of circumstances that play against them.

actually reading the novel we can not know if they are guilty or not, the two visions of the case are told simultaneously by a set of very clever alternating narratives. The various narrators come to play two songs simultaneously.

The novel is very subtle because it is not in contention, it does not seek to uncover the truth, but only to show the human experience (hence the book highlight the sentence of Conrad: "the reality is hidden. thank you God ").
After all no matter that these brothers Rorique are guilty or not, their story is about two tigers who do not want to be locked, breaking the conventions of the world a history of free men as can find Conrad, or as Gauguin might be (one of the protagonist and narrator of the adventure)

In such tigers at all levels is a spellbinding novel, playing the exotic South Seas, but without falling into cliché, there is a power of evocation almost magical one hand, the reader feels very good background documentary and precision support which takes the story (the Under Navy never disappoint, Dallet knows his stuff), but also a very clever game narratives and voices that weave the thread of the narrative.

It appears from the novel with his head still full of spray Tahiti but also the horrors of terror prison at Cayenne.

It's not for nothing that we find Conrad as narrator of the story or part that we often think of Jules Verne (it's a subject that he was inspired to write the brothers Kip). In fact only missing Segalen table (but it will come to Tahiti until years later to be the chronicler of a vanished world) and we would have an evocation of the whole period for which the invitation to travel was a true creative source .

In the novel and the reader, it is reversed the notion of exoticism. As noted in his diary Segalen Islands:
" The relativity of sensation is more exotic qu'avérée. This is a decline in space, a distant or, abolished the distance, a surprise the first moments. Now I live here very naturally of "enchanting country [...] and it's back to the old Europe that seems mirage. "
Dallet us admirably to acclimatise to South Pacific at the point of making us feel this relativity of the concept of exoticism.
But this is certainly a reflex of a child. The call of the wild adventure that comes to haunt the reader. In such because tiger s is and remains above all a great adventure novel.

Jean-Marie Dallet, From like tigers, Publishing toad
link to browse the front pages here

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fotos De Nami Encuerada

Gascon (Union Castle Line)

Transfer of wounded from the British cruiser Pegasus (September 20, 1914 attacked by German Königsberg) on board the liner Gascon of the Union Castle Line transformed into a hospital ship. DR clichés.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happened Tawnee Stone

" Silence minds " Wilfried N'Sondé (Actes Sud)

important book for our times which describes the interior, the situation dramatically human young immigrants. Undocumented, to wear and harsh words that make you an illegal immigrant.
Therefore, for Clovis, a young left Congolese civil war and atrocities near barbarism begins a dangerous game of cat and mouse where the outcome is final: the expulsion and its inevitable consequence, misery and death.
Yet while escaping control, stalked the young Congolese, located in a commuter train, in the person of a nurse's aide, also live in pain, comfort, listening, understanding, sympathy. This happens even when safe to trust and thereby relieve his conscience.
The future looks bright, but reality catches up: a barrage of CRS, the next day morning, going to buy croissants to celebrate happiness on hand.
Love once fusion with its twin sister found today, adds to the drama still underground, the hardness of the tear fraternal.
With this new book revisits N'Sondé again after "The heart of children leopard," the situation of young immigrants, face the telescoping of cultures, evil suspicions to be daily and permanent.
How can we build when we are young in these conditions?
book well written, pleasant style, with original twists. Short chapters, successions of short paragraphs that make easy reading.

Quote "It is well Clovis, now we run into the bliss and oblivion."
"My flight for a moment had finally broken, shattered on contact with steel and the law! I continued my wandering to nowhere, parked like an animal, the bitterness in your heart and dreams in tatters

Wilfried N'Sondé was born in 1969 in Congo Brazzaville. At 5 years, he emigrated to France in a neighborhood in the Paris region. He studies: Master degree in Sorbonne and of political science at Nanterre. Just
globetrotter, after London, Rome, Vienna and Madrid, he landed in Berlin where he lives now.
musician and composer (Afro rock style thrash or punk), he lives with his music and also works as a teacher of troubled youth.
In 2007 he published a highly acclaimed first book "The heart of the Children leopard" that gets in quick, the price RFO, Senghor and the price the price of the five continents of the OIF
Drawing from his own experience as many authors, in tune with the social reality in France, Wilfried N'Sondé, discusses the exile rootlessness, cultural hybridity of the language, sharing between two cultures. After this second novel
full dress, it will follow this new author Francophone literature urban or suburban areas. Beautiful texts in perspective.