Friday, May 28, 2010

Funny Pregnanat Shirts

hunting the other

While the constellation of Borges are again available in bookstores, a new widow who makes her own. The shock announcement, the editions of the threshold have announced the withdrawal of the whole work of Calvino. It would seem, but I write this letter without having too much information (other than the removal of books by Editions du Seuil), as Calvino's texts are known to simply disappear from the shelves of bookstores, because of a renegotiation of rights.
But for how long ....

It may indeed be years before that Calvino is available again as he was at the threshold.

After the invisible cities, the work invisible ... Indignation

Stupefaction ... ... quickly go in my library that I lack and which suddenly became vital ...

Me that does not make me laugh!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Final Fantasy I & Ii Dawn Of Souls Game Shark

Poster 1918

French poster dating from 1918 showing several hospital ships sunk by German submarines.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Building Plans For Mudroom Lockers

Meeting at the library on Monday 17 May with the Russian writer Vladimir Sorokin.
I was anxious to meet him, because it is a very intriguing writer, these books are like a violence I have rarely read (specifically the last translated), and at the same time they are very captivating, they have in them that something terrible and alluring.
can read it very ironic novels based on social criticism in the territories of science fiction. They are iconoclastic novels that move the lines of fiction. Nevertheless
waiting to see to complete to sort my feelings very strong and contradictory about its last translated: Roman .
I said that Sorokin is a man very discreet and does not open easily the doors of his workshop.

Impressions reading
Reading Roman over as is often the case with the great books of the experiment. Upon its release I threw myself on it, with delight, envy ... and yet it is a novel I've ever had to give up and back, swinging between attraction and repulsion. Without ever being able to definitively abandon.
This is certainly due to the fact that despite appearances, I very quickly felt like a monster lurking behind the text, something muffled rumbling and yet there is the very first pages, the negative of the obvious beauty.
Let me explain, but first he must make a detour through the story we tell Sorokin.
Alexievitch Roman is a young lawyer in Moscow, we are at the end of the nineteenth century, who chooses to leave the sounds of the city to return to his native countryside beautiful and green. He found a soul artist. The book and the talent of Sorokin applies to show us, in a succession of scenes scenic delights of provincial life in its obvious beauty and simplicity. Roman thinks here to find a meaning to his life among his family, protected by divine benevolence. He met Tatiana and they fall in love, then marriage ...
everything in this short story exudes happiness, yet there is something else at work, because we do not make great books with good feelings. The story is so imbued with the idyllic beauty in a beautiful lyrical language that seems to be accomplished at each stage and then suddenly comes to the stunning, the intrusion in this perfect environment of the utmost barbarism.
I felt from the first pages, there were signs warning of violence, but little did I imagine the horror that I was going to read.
In the pile of wedding gifts, Roman finds an ax and it is a revelation to him, he knows the road to follow, it involves the murder of the whole village. The last hundred pages are the story of the slaughter that Sorokin recounts in meticulous detail, showing us all the horror and above all absurd.
Because no coherent reason not just explain the actions of Roman if not the metaphysical void that inhabits it.
There is a sense of awareness of the character throughout the text, yet it is not so, we think it advances gradually into a more comprehensible understanding of the world that is gradually emerging from the mist. First by this gesture of the return home, his passion for painting:
"How fortunate that the consciousness of being free! Free, simply, to get up and leave everything and go where you ... seems I will never try to be a famous artist or a lawyer known. I will listen more delusions of individuals like themselves, I would tell most women they are ugly beautiful. Nothing but Freedom! My only wealth. Do not deprive me lord! " (P 146)
Then when he falls in love with Tatiana
"He ran with all his might and the world, awash in a soft evening sun, departed, understanding, before him." (P328)
"When man love the world around him becomes transparent and meaningless. "(p329)
Finally after marriage and just before they open their gifts one can read the dialogue of the young couple
"-Darling, darling .. . darling ... "she repeated, looking at him. everything is wonderful, it's almost unbelievable ...
-Everything is so likely the opposite!" he replied, kissing her. That's what who had previously was unlikely. All my life, all my futile existence. "
Yet their actions remain totally absurd and inexplicable, even if Roman says what he must do.

Vladimir Sorokin advance some possible reading that can help us better understand the book: love, religion and literature.
Sorokin explains that his book is a love story, and that is precisely the strength of their feelings can not contain within their body, love that drive them crazy push them toward their destiny.
Religion and religious feeling pervades the novel, much of the action takes place during Easter week, in these scenes of provincial life, the whole village lives in the Orthodox observance of the laws. The dimension of acts of sacrilege Roman (he ended up invading the church music of corpses) foreshadows the horrors of the twentieth century. it's also why I was talking about metaphysical void. There is something in Roman complex in its perception of the world through God, as an incompletion. He would like to believe pious and devout, yet he can not. What he does in the church at the end must have seemed logical in the order of things (again, in an absurd).
Finally, Sorokin said that his book is also an attempt to settle accounts with the literature Russian. It plays just codes of provincial Russian literary space (space that is still, according to him, very present in the imagination of people in Russia). Y there is another dimension sacrilege (or so post-modern (though the concept is overused and inaccurate))?
Most of the book is written specifically in the language of the great Russian writers of the nineteenth century, Tolstoy and Tourguenieff in mind. And we can not ignore it with an ax as Raskolnikov kills the old usurer in Crime and Punishment . Sorokin's novel ends where it begins to Dostoyevsky. I see a reversal theory, Sorokin does not care about the consequences of the acts of his character. there is a reversal of values.

Finally in closing, I would say that Roman is a test. Sorokin plays with the reader and knows how to handle the dual fascination \\ repulsion. There is the same force, the same intensity between language soft, airy, lyrical magic of the five first hundred pages (it only read the prologue to be convinced, even if the romance ended when he took a terrifying) and the last part of the book made a narrow tongue, a scansion which turns into logorrhea psalm, monstrous and masterful. The book
demanding, but it's a wonderful event. Vladimir Sorokin

, Roman, Verdier, 29.50 euros.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Denise Milani Forums

Roman Sorokin's wife was born underground

When they are not together, the world is dull. For Ms. Koul people are like a cloud of flies that hides the sun.
His sun is Mimi, a young student, he was twenty years younger and it is beautiful. She can tell him:
"Very nice, more than it should, every time I see you, I do not know where I am, I digress, everything blurs around me."
Mimis is also the little boy she had no one she wanted to love, because men in his life, it is not too that! Then this love is almost a revenge.
The story of this book is simple, the author deploys in its obviousness, that the birth of love and its development from a woman of forty years already entered the regret of the failure of his life, and a handsome young student, seductive mature women.
They meet in the same subway train, they become tame, they love ...
love when it is that physics is hopeless, you know, one feels, and when the relationship becomes more complex, involved new states of consciousness.
Mrs. Koula is enough to measure his life in dropper, Mimis offers him a breath, a pause, a wonderful interlude ... in any case the first time.
Love adultery appears to be stronger, more intense, because it tends to exclude all around him, Mimi becomes a drug, but hard to live!
Everything in this novel, or this news is the choice is made to the economy: words, pages, but not feelings. Their strength will emerge in every line, irradiates the text. The woman
subway is a shocking portrait of a woman, Volkovitch Michel (translator) even speaks fervently about Madame Koula. It's a bright woman and strong as can be his way of loving, for my part, I believe in the existence of a secret circle of love with Madame Koula.
you planning an hour of reading, you will be amazed.
Koumandrareas Menis, Woman metro , Quidam 10 euros.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Difference Between Microsuede And Microfiber

Zaida's house Cicin

Title: "The house Cicin"
Author: Mohamed Nedal
Publisher: Le Fennec (Morocco)
Genre: romance

Cicin H'Cine or is the name of younger brother (7-8 years) of Idar, the young sculptor, one of the characters carry the novel.
Clearly, Mohamed Nedal gives us a book of great depth human with this fourth novel.
poverty, bad luck (or Allah mektoub) for many, announce the poverty and rural exodus to the cities. Here Marrakech.
M'Barek, the father of Idar and H'Cine, holds a water mill. One day in the wadi thought prevails parents, home, property and banks and left two orphans.
The attraction of the city as buoy hello makes landing at Dar Louriki, Marrakis a building, transformed into chambers to monetize the business. Idar
sculpts and somehow arrives to meet their needs and little H'Cine dream home if they have had to rebuild authorities had not banned any buildings now on the banks of the wadi. But Sheikh
Ocean of Knowledge, prompted by two tenants, theology students, landed every night in the building and all were completely changed. Stock in brand new black Mercedes, a sign, this will gradually lead to Sheikh religious fundamentalism all tenants. With lots of money (stores offered) and speech peppered at every sura, the name of Allah and his prophet, tenants change their behavior. The women are veiled, the evening prayer in the courtyard of the building followed by a sermon or two hours. Brainwashing actually.
Only two tenants who are in love, Leila and Idar, remain refractory to this life fundamentalist, because they do not want to sacrifice their love as they claim. This
Sheikh is not so pure that it is willing to show it and to hide his crime against Leila, it encourages tenants manipulated to make the justice of God against the wicked will perish and the two lovers in arson in the stall of Idar. As a leitmotif, the small H'Cine recall on the grave of his brother that they would have had to rebuild their homes.
Roman fort, deeply human.
Mohamed Nedal knows we make sympathetic and endearing small people. In contrast, we seem repulsive anyone with a modicum of power: the police, judges, moquaddems the Makhzen, authorities in general. Even the bus driver. Their arrogance, complacency, their arrogance, their wealth displayed, provide any authority as a kind of illegitimacy.
Although these detestable as self-appointed religious guise of religion oppress the little people, manipulate and exploit them.
Here is a true humanist novel.
critic Jay Salim Mohamed Nedal qualifies Zola Morocco. This is not a term usurped. In any case, the contemporary Moroccan literature now has a talented author.

Quotes: " Sheikh was a rich man ... His appearance was simple and sober thought, it does not hide under a number of evidence suggesting a greater affluence: its vast gandouras black silk pure, his slippers suede carefully crafted, solid gold ring with his big, the small beads in amber still wrapped around the wrist ... "(p.149).

"Now you are dead, you too, dadda! said the little H'cine, eyes fixed on the grave of his brother. Death as mom and dad and Zehra lalla .... You too, daddies, you're dead! Yet I have not stopped you say back home, daddies! Return to Douar, daddies! Will rebuild
our house! ... "(P. 265)

Mohamed Nedal teaches French at high school Tahannaoute.
"The house Cicin" follows "Prime cuts" " Thanks to Jean de La Fontaine "and" Happiness sparrows. All novels.
Mohamed Nedal won the 2009 award for diversity in Spain (Barcelona). (See his biography in a previous article in our blog)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Does Kate´s Playground Still Exist

The book of nightmares

I still had to read that the storyteller fantastic Stevenson, the Stevenson's nightmare.
Also, I waited to read it in the translation that was made Armel Guerne (published in Phebus in 1994 and never reprinted since this winter).
An old catalog of this editor was constantly me put water in his mouth by speaking alternately mythic translation of unprecedented and text transfigured. And Guerne is for me a passport, it is also a royal way, it is the one who brought me into Moby Dick, he is the translator of Novalis, a tireless smuggler brief texts. He even published in book club, a translation of Thousand and One Nights. Phebus was therefore in his cartoons translation which at first excited me already. So here I am on vacation with my hands in mythical Doctor Jeckyll and Hyde Libretto in the collection with a preface by the translator soberly titled Stevenson fantastic.
Guerne explains in the preface that Stevenson wrote a first version of Jekyll and Hyde three days after a nightmare. Not being satisfied with the record, he destroyed his didn't text to be tempted to draw scenes in the old version, and rewritten. There is a strange process of maturation.
however, is the kind of reading should be approached with caution. Because
Jekyll / Hyde has become a mythical figure. The modern world, the collective unconscious (aided by film and TV) has made an image (necessarily simplified).
Because it is a novel that enters fully into the category of books that we can talk without having read it.
Because nothing in the text of Stevenson does not look like the image we had built (I would write that you fantasized) and remains more or less than the expression of the mythological figure that we lug around all the characters.
Read Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde today asked to forget all the mythology, all the images that were a priori history, forgetting that you think you know what it will be.
Forget to better read
And entering an unknown world.
What is immediately striking is the assurance that can be detected in the construction, technical virtuosity of the narrative. We are dealing with a prodigious machine create fiction.
Obviously the player advance into the unknown, the characters take over the pages thick in proportion to the anxiety rises. While it was not until the very end to understand the links between the characters (and first Utterson the lawyer who is one with which we enter the story).
Stevenson chooses not to go to Jekyll until the very end of the novel, in a letter-witness of his adventure as a way to end the story, leaving no gray area, so the reader can drill Update the profound nature of the relationship between Jekyll to Hyde.
Hyde is not a monster, it is not an evil twin the good doctor, he has his own personality, it appears by the action of a chemical process, but in reality it is there from the beginning, within the good doctor Jekyll and if taken the right side of the personality, Hyde owes him just deadly impulses, he must live and most of all trying to survive alone in the dark side.
Indeed the novel reflects on the duality (one could even say monstrous twins) and whether or not Dr. Jekyll is double, and that he feels in his heart the dreadful presence of Hyde, the novel interrogates the most 'scientistic spirit of the time. This time the nineteenth century or science appears as the alpha and omega of knowledge of the world, and in return is scary.
The evocative power of the novel lies in the fact that Guerne calls "mechanical suggestive." The novel is constructed almost hollow, truncated evocations in accumulation of small puzzles that seem all independent from one another. Hyde himself is elusive and it is also never described. It is not the hunchback monster fingers hairy and shaggy hair slightly obscured by a top hat.
Stevenson does not advance a description of him that which is burned to know how it is: It is
not easy to describe. There is something wrong in the mine it; something unpleasant, really, something frankly obnoxious. I've never met anyone who has caused me such an antipathy, and yet I can not tell what it is. He must be deformed somewhere. This
"He must be deformed somewhere" is a wonderful discovery. Is there actually any recessed in the folds but anti-description is mouche.o
It is something unsurpassable in productions Stevenson, like those of CNRADA in how to arrange a story, wear characters in their complexity psychological and able to wear them all the way to the bottom of the abyss. If not insurmountable anyway monumental.