Title: A flower between two stones
Author: Francine ALLARD ( website )
Genre: Young adult novel
Publisher: Marcel Broquet (Quebec)
Here is a great novel for children, but adults will read with emotion.
Francine Allard depicts a young disabled with cerebral palsy and other disabled children in care, with sensitivity, realism and generosity. Topic rarely addressed in a young adult novel.
We read the story with emotion and tenderness as the author knows how to show the commitment of these children and the affection we feel for these children.
Author: Francine ALLARD ( website )
Genre: Young adult novel
Publisher: Marcel Broquet (Quebec)
Here is a great novel for children, but adults will read with emotion.
Francine Allard depicts a young disabled with cerebral palsy and other disabled children in care, with sensitivity, realism and generosity. Topic rarely addressed in a young adult novel.
We read the story with emotion and tenderness as the author knows how to show the commitment of these children and the affection we feel for these children.
Francine Allard has no art background suspense, bouncing and staging. The action keeps us in suspense and we captive until the end of the story. With bonus
sea very present, the Canadian space, positive and endearing people, this novel takes the reader into the true feelings, sincere and noble. A beautiful novel humanist.
NB This book is, of course, available to readers at the library of Le Breuil (French funds) 71,670 and can be easily found at the Library of Quebec in Paris. 20, rue Gay Lussac 75005 Paris libraires@librairieduquebec.fr
Quote "" She forgot who you are. These children there are like kittens. As long as they receive love, care and food, they cling to the person who gives them. "
Fancine Allard is a writer of great talent but also a multifaceted artist. We present it in a future publication when we talk to her beautiful trilogy "The seamstress .
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