Few's transatlantic inter-war survivors the second world war, the time was right for others, obsolete, they met in the case, except the Queen Mary lying sadly in Los Angeles. However some buildings liner style of the 30 have survived. This dining room worthy of the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique is actually on the roof of a building, 9th floor, far from France: the dining room of the restaurant of a former department store in Montreal, Eaton now closed. If the resemblance dining room of the liner Ile de France is amazing is that it is in fact a copy. Indeed, Ms. Eaton, who liked to go to Paris, borrowed the Ile de France liked it and asked Carlu (architect of the Palais de Chaillot), to reproduce the dining room for large store on St. Catherine Street in Montreal. This place closed to the public since 2000, however, was to listed building but is more forgotten every day and wasting away. To help preserve this site, contact Heritage Montreal.
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