Thursday, July 29, 2010

Corrigan And Everett Online

Back II Back to School

The season is already done for me in the readings back (I'll explain why in a few weeks), and readings in French novel already given me great emotions. So here
bulk (as usual) the few novels that already - and before all the selections - made me vibrate:

Above all there is the Roman Mathias Enard, wildly sensual, captivating tale of a Thousand Nights, Speak their battles of kings and elephants (Actes Sud), simply beautiful and clear language sumptuous serving of a simple idea and beautiful.
course there is the reprint of Garden statuary (Attila) by Jacques Abeille, which is an event for me editorial. Because it is a very fine novel I have ever read since I fell into the pot. It is this time decorated with a drawing for the cover of Benoit Schuitten (there is even an original text to appear with a series of drawings ... a meeting of two masters, a great story).
In the highly anticipated series of novels, and yet that can not disappoint this autumn we will feast on three texts of collective post-exotic: a Manuela Draeger Eleven dreams soot (L'Olivier), the Eagles stink Lutz Bassmann (Verdier) and a final signed the pseudonym can be Antoine Volodin, Writers (Le Seuil).
who with Jean Echenoz Lightning closed cycle biography. After Ravel and Zatopek, it stands always with great virtuosity, a portrait of inventor Nikola Tesla.
Cosmoz , the big novel Claro is a great achievement, a very ambitious undertaking conducted hand of a master, a novel short, fairly pynchonien in treatment (who would have thought!) But full of beautiful pages.
Michael Ferrier with his novel Sympathy for the ghost (Gallimard al infinity) offers us a trip to Japan in search of French national identity. It Welcoming a novel, intelligent ... so devilishly clever. Japan seems to be a fashionable destination for this autumn because apart from the novels of Adam to the olive and Nagasaki Eric Faye Vincent Eggerix with the art of contradiction in Verdier an amazing story about the shooting the arc. Also at
Verdier Mathieu Riboulet offers us Bastien With a very moving meditation on desire.
Bernard Quirk who tries to romance in The Thirsty Seuil, imagining a dictatorship of women in the Benelux.
Victor Lévy Beaulieu-old veteran of the Quebec edition treats us Bibi's Baroque Grasset. Thomas
Heams-Ogus hundred and sixteen Chinese and some in Fiction and Co. is a first novel inspired and served by good writing about a community of Chinese penned by Italian fascists in the Abruzzi. It is an amazing novel and original in treatment. I think a long return.
Blas Robles and his mountain of midnight ('ll see if I'm there ).
And still other things I have on fire, summer is almost just beginning ... Just
all for a very French back ... you tell me the readings Foreign wait September, it happens that I am this year the jury of a literary prize (for now ...). BOTUSA and fly sewn However I have in my boot at least Pynchon and Fresán.


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