The 15,16 and 17 October 2010 on the occasion of the 12th FAIR Book of Breuil (71), city of residence of the Centre Francophone de Bourgogne, the Centre, in collaboration with the Municipal Office of the culture of the city, has hosted the Francophone writers have, for the most part, met during the show many high school students, middle school or elementary.
Here is a presentation of these figures:
Somanos SAR (Cambodia), writer .
1) You lived as a child, the Khmer genocide. Why have published "Apocalypse Khmer", a book of a great truth?
To remember?
To issue a reality too heavy?
I have often noticed that the traumatic memory has a natural tendency to turn into a traumatic memory, which is transmitted from generation to generation. In the end, we suffer without really knowing or understanding why we are in this endless cycle of torment, if not because his parents, grandparents or his great-great-grandparents suffered. In fact, in such cases, the memory becomes a heavy burden, a curse, rather than an asset.
When my kids were born, this realization made me quickly realize that memory forward, as such, involved some risk. Because obviously the memory of the survivor that I am contained poison, that of suffering and hatred. Yet the importance of memory is well established. It is essential for transmission, otherwise send a blank incomprehensible, dangerous, even more difficult to bear for generations to come.
The main objective of Apocalypse Khmer was therefore to provide a memory washed the poison involved. That is to say that memory is primarily an asset, not a duty, to say that the sufferings are mine, and they stop there, on these pages that my children have read them not bear the burden by proxy that this past year as a legacy belongs Intangible their lineage.
The book has been primarily a support, a start key reflections on the meaning that I can give my life, but also to the history of men as a whole.
To go further, read my text, human capital, written for a conference in Phnom Penh in 2008: / spip.php? article12 .
2) In a second novel, "Shadow of a Doubt," moving too, your sister one of the 3 million casualties, including filigree figure. Can you tell us why?
Firstly, I am pleased that some readers have been able to find the watermark, indeed. Others have gone completely through, much to my regret, unfortunately !
The shadow of a doubt begins with the dedication, continues with the preface, and ends in the heart of not bringing up the end of his duty to live life. Live because just this exceptional sister wanted it, because she sacrificed herself for her brother has a chance to survive. This is a gift of oneself to the extreme, that few are able to consider.
I could have chosen a more direct style to talk about herself, what she did. But the narrative, I have already, through Apocalypse Khmer. In addition, this style was not enough to express the strength I wanted to give to the memory of my sister, through the character of Stephanie. I wanted to revive it, otherwise, in another context, another life, another country, another culture, but faced the same caprices of fate.
More profound, this book is a logical progression from the first, though not obvious, since it raises the question about the importance that everyone gives to his life. What is most sacred? Life in itself, staying alive, or the sense that one wants to give?
To go further, "another meaning of forgiveness, "an article written for an online newspaper in Cambodia, now defunct,
3 "Thmeng Chey," is the story of a good little devil Cambodian genocide he also threatened heritage culture, to rewrite this story?
foremost, let me return to the term "genocide", the main Khmer Rouge leaders are being tried or are being tried for three counts:
War crimes - Crimes against Humanity
- Genocide
All this to emphasize that genocide is only one component of the crimes. Some, who for years have argued loud and the Khmer Rouge, have loved ones hiding behind the only qualification of genocide. It would be so convenient! But the truth is the greatest crime committed has been in the name of ideology. The Khmer Rouge proceeded to the systematic elimination of whole groups of people, not because they were an ethnic group, 95% of Cambodians are Khmer, but mostly because they belonged to social classes considered as harmful: teachers, civil servants, students, soldiers, merchants, etc..
In fact, the Khmer Rouge did not tolerate that three classes: peasants, workers and soldiers, all having to work day and night without rest or respite. Ultimately, it was not a human society, but the ants. So it is understandable that the culture had no place, like all other components of life elsewhere. Work and obey the Party (Angkar) or die.
The result is that after four years of the communist regime in the extreme, Cambodia was left with an incredible leap back. While the Khmer cultural heritage was on the verge of extinction. The literature has lost a lot, since most books were destroyed or burned.
Even some oral traditions, as Thmeng Chey, are dying. The destruction left by the Khmer Rouge imposed in survivors of the first necessity of immediate survival, then the loss of landmarks due to rupture of the chain of transmission of human capital.
Beyond a desire to preserve through oral and written, there is also the desire to share the story of this child Playful with a wider audience than the Cambodians themselves. The world is valid only if it is shared. Thmeng and Chey is a form of sharing.
When my kids were born, this realization made me quickly realize that memory forward, as such, involved some risk. Because obviously the memory of the survivor that I am contained poison, that of suffering and hatred. Yet the importance of memory is well established. It is essential for transmission, otherwise send a blank incomprehensible, dangerous, even more difficult to bear for generations to come.
The main objective of Apocalypse Khmer was therefore to provide a memory washed the poison involved. That is to say that memory is primarily an asset, not a duty, to say that the sufferings are mine, and they stop there, on these pages that my children have read them not bear the burden by proxy that this past year as a legacy belongs Intangible their lineage.
The book has been primarily a support, a start key reflections on the meaning that I can give my life, but also to the history of men as a whole.
To go further, read my text, human capital, written for a conference in Phnom Penh in 2008: / spip.php? article12 .
2) In a second novel, "Shadow of a Doubt," moving too, your sister one of the 3 million casualties, including filigree figure. Can you tell us why?
Firstly, I am pleased that some readers have been able to find the watermark, indeed. Others have gone completely through, much to my regret, unfortunately !
The shadow of a doubt begins with the dedication, continues with the preface, and ends in the heart of not bringing up the end of his duty to live life. Live because just this exceptional sister wanted it, because she sacrificed herself for her brother has a chance to survive. This is a gift of oneself to the extreme, that few are able to consider.
I could have chosen a more direct style to talk about herself, what she did. But the narrative, I have already, through Apocalypse Khmer. In addition, this style was not enough to express the strength I wanted to give to the memory of my sister, through the character of Stephanie. I wanted to revive it, otherwise, in another context, another life, another country, another culture, but faced the same caprices of fate.
More profound, this book is a logical progression from the first, though not obvious, since it raises the question about the importance that everyone gives to his life. What is most sacred? Life in itself, staying alive, or the sense that one wants to give?
To go further, "another meaning of forgiveness, "an article written for an online newspaper in Cambodia, now defunct,
3 "Thmeng Chey," is the story of a good little devil Cambodian genocide he also threatened heritage culture, to rewrite this story?
foremost, let me return to the term "genocide", the main Khmer Rouge leaders are being tried or are being tried for three counts:
War crimes - Crimes against Humanity
- Genocide
All this to emphasize that genocide is only one component of the crimes. Some, who for years have argued loud and the Khmer Rouge, have loved ones hiding behind the only qualification of genocide. It would be so convenient! But the truth is the greatest crime committed has been in the name of ideology. The Khmer Rouge proceeded to the systematic elimination of whole groups of people, not because they were an ethnic group, 95% of Cambodians are Khmer, but mostly because they belonged to social classes considered as harmful: teachers, civil servants, students, soldiers, merchants, etc..
In fact, the Khmer Rouge did not tolerate that three classes: peasants, workers and soldiers, all having to work day and night without rest or respite. Ultimately, it was not a human society, but the ants. So it is understandable that the culture had no place, like all other components of life elsewhere. Work and obey the Party (Angkar) or die.
The result is that after four years of the communist regime in the extreme, Cambodia was left with an incredible leap back. While the Khmer cultural heritage was on the verge of extinction. The literature has lost a lot, since most books were destroyed or burned.
Even some oral traditions, as Thmeng Chey, are dying. The destruction left by the Khmer Rouge imposed in survivors of the first necessity of immediate survival, then the loss of landmarks due to rupture of the chain of transmission of human capital.
Beyond a desire to preserve through oral and written, there is also the desire to share the story of this child Playful with a wider audience than the Cambodians themselves. The world is valid only if it is shared. Thmeng and Chey is a form of sharing.
Portrait of writer Somanos SAR
Somanos Sar was born in Phnom Penh in 1965. He is ten years old when the Khmer Rouge marched triumphantly
on Phnom Penh. His family, by the mere fact of being
city, will be considered by the new regime as ideologically
fatal, like millions of Cambodians who were part of the free world
before the fall of The Khmer Republic, April 17, 1975. In less than four years
, guided by the dogma of communism extreme and totally out of touch,
Democratic Kampuchea will decimate a quarter of the Cambodian population,
a sudden purges, summary executions, collectivization frenzied, of
hard labor. The communist utopia
snatch the life of his father, three sisters and a brother,
more than half of his family. In 1982, Somanos Sar eventually trace its
mother, trapped in Europe during the torment. The latter, naturalized French,
manages to bring to Paris at the age of 17. Upon his arrival, he did not speak a word of French
, but already, the need to "drop" the story of this tragedy is latent
After obtaining a postgraduate degree in microelectronics at the University of Paris-Sud, Orsay
in 1992, today Somanos SAR is an engineer, entrepreneur and
also a writer. Beyond its transverse profile, a reflection of his passions
are aviation, writing and running, the concept of human capital is the
common core of his thoughts and actions. Thus, on his blog,,
Somanos SAR wrote that memory does not escape, but is upset
see a certain fatalism belief that "history is an eternal recommencement
. This means that errors have not been able to serve
lesson. Therefore, according to him and liked to draw strength and wealth do not pass
hatred and suffering.
This may be accompanied by a special sense of forgiveness is a step toward reconciliation on the bases all understood and accepted.
because fundamentally, humans aspire to do good. Unfortunately this
belief that everyone wants to ardently defend is too often used to justify any
, including killing. So to highlight this contradiction
Somanos SAR believes deeply in life. For him, happiness is a duty
, memory is an asset. Choose the path to happiness, it
take victory for himself, take it to the Khmer Rouge, definitely.
And it is this point of view found in his second book, the shadow of a doubt
, awarded the literary prize Phnom Penh Home 2008, a fiction that
attempts to probe the hearts of those who beings have to survive the irreplaceable. His novel is
victory of life over death, whatever the price. But life
with a capital T, as the obligation to live that is that in good conscience.
is a gay novel, where the word "pain" arises at every turn. It is a novel
tender, but uncompromising.
As the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the hero of this story
arise and then disappear. But as long as he remains a person to suffer
their absence, the little world of his characters moving between live and dead, both died from this condition the history of live acts.
But writing is all about sharing, offer readers the inner space
of the author, his life, his experiences.
Corine JAMAR
Corine JAMAR (Brussels), author and screenwriter BD, kindly answer our questions before we meet young nompbreux including younger disabled.
1) You have written books for youth (6 to date), most exhausted, including the famous "elephant memory" (ed. Pepin). Can you tell us how you work your books?
Corine Jamar: It depends. The first, he was (The Princess hidden) of an order. The publisher (Casterman) provided illustrations, and he asked me to invent a story in relation to them. He had asked a writer before I confirmed that, according to him, no one had not left. As I worked ten years as creative in advertising and I was so accustomed to certain constraints, it does me no problems and I really enjoyed this work. The others were invented from a desire, a sudden inspiration or memory. "The little car of Andrew" for example is inspired by a true story my father told me. Except that I changed the memory, the narrative to enact its own laws, that my father has very moderately appreciated! Memory of an elephant "and" Aristide Lafrousse "start from a concept illustrator that I joined and I've written for them, intrude on their world. Like when an idea comes knocking at the door of my imagination but I also work on the basis of an idea that is not mine. There is something "terra incognita" I like ... well
2) Your latest book news "placeholder" tackles the issue of disability. Why?
Corine Jamar: "placeholder" is not a new book. This is a huge mistake from the publisher (even though I love the news). This book is a series of short stories that follow and which depicts a mother and her disabled daughter. The 12th chapter can not be read independently of others: they are not new but rather a new novel by. The choice of this theme was obvious to me. My oldest daughter is disabled. So part of my life with her I tell. I chose to do through this space for the car not to address it head on (and also because, as recounted in the book, cars are parked at this location would not care, which me want to turn this sad reality into something positive, a book, while denouncing the indifference of selfishness people). This is not an autobiography, because many situations are invented and that I changed careers and character names. The humor in this very book was for me a way to defuse things, a way of taking control of a dramatic situation (obviously) that fate has imposed upon us, my daughter, her parents and, of Naturally, the little sister who came later! In my second book "The queen of the feast," a disabled child is present even if the disability is absolutely not the point. It interacts with the main character and justifies some of his actions. It is the daughter of a minor character. In the third I'm finished, it is also present. It became established itself as and when writing, there is no premeditation.
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