Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cruising Placesin Nyc

Home Veronica TADJO

Tour Veronique TADJO Burgundy

At the invitation of the Centre Francophone de Bourgogne, Veronique TADJO, author of Ivory Coast, the current director of the department of French literature at the University of Johannesburg (Africa South), put his bags in Le Breuil, 71670 France, from 30 November to 4 December 2009.

Tadjo Veronica is a major writer of Africa. She writes both for the youth that it illustrates itself albums published in Africa, as for adults. His books are aimed at what is deepest in man: legends "The Queen Poku" Mamy Wata "but also the tragedy of Rwanda in a book of rare intensity:" The shadow Imana of "construction difficult human feelings" Battlefields and love. "

Veronica does not leave indifferent audiences and has continued to captivate readers (children and adults) during the meetings: High Schools Le Creusot (Saône et Loire) (3h), College de Fontaine French (Côte Gold) (2h), vocational school Montbard (Côte d'Or) (2h), primary school Charles De Gaulle (The Creusot) and readers at libraries of Torcy, and the club Sancé Africa St Remy, all in Saone et Loire. Intense and exciting moments, dialogues and exchanges, to listen, that only the literature and the arts can provide.

Veronica also intervened Thursday, November 26, during the Diversity Week, organized by the Centre Francophone de Bourgogne and exchanged with Nadia Chafik, Moroccan woman writer on the place and role of women in "Africas " in a dia logue two votes.
A great moment too.
In college Fontaine French (Burgundy) France
In high school
Creusot (Saône et Loire) France

Klucz Licencyjny Matlab

A flower between two stones

Title: A flower between two stones
Author: Francine ALLARD ( website )
Genre: Young adult novel
Publisher: Marcel Broquet (Quebec)

Here is a great novel for children, but adults will read with emotion.
Francine Allard depicts a young disabled with cerebral palsy and other disabled children in care, with sensitivity, realism and generosity. Topic rarely addressed in a young adult novel.
We read the story with emotion and tenderness as the author knows how to show the commitment of these children and the affection we feel for these children.

Francine Allard has no art background suspense, bouncing and staging. The action keeps us in suspense and we captive until the end of the story. With bonus
sea very present, the Canadian space, positive and endearing people, this novel takes the reader into the true feelings, sincere and noble. A beautiful novel humanist.

NB This book is, of course, available to readers at the library of Le Breuil (French funds) 71,670 and can be easily found at the Library of Quebec in Paris. 20, rue Gay Lussac 75005 Paris

Quote "" She forgot who you are. These children there are like kittens. As long as they receive love, care and food, they cling to the person who gives them. "

Fancine Allard is a writer of great talent but also a multifaceted artist. We present it in a future publication when we talk to her beautiful trilogy "The seamstress .

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Natural Large Breasted Women Candid

Cunard the majesty of the Atlantic and their competitors

The highly anticipated
Cunard, the majesty of the Atlantic and their competitors BARNICHON Gilles, Daniel Hillion and Luc-Watin Augouard is finally available. This block of 240 pages containing over 600 illustrations mostly in color, traces the history of the great British company ... But, citing as its competitors in the conquest of the North Atlantic for over a century and a half, it is also necessary as a true story of the merchant navy on the preferred route.
The attention given to the accommodation of ships from the beginning adds another original touch to this book that do not involve missing. It is also the only talk at such length in the recent French Queen Victoria .

This is the first book in French to trace the history of the most prestigious shipping company in the world. More than a hundred years, Cunard has adapted to pass through several periods of history Navy. Pronounce his name is to evoke the epic voyage across the Atlantic and the famous Blue Riband of the fastest ship in the Cunard which is historically linked but also the luxurious amenities of ships (the book devotes many pages of photos their accommodations) and pleasure cruises ... The competing companies and their ships are here seen in the historical and economic context, eventful, their rivalry with Cunard.
Over 600 documents illustrate the book. From private collections or archives of the Cunard, they are of great interest and, in many details, highlight the uniqueness of this great company. No need to be a specialist in maritime history to read this book. Whether it is particularly rich in iconography, anecdotes or recalls in history, everyone will find his interest and pleasure.

Captain Ronald W. Warwick agreed to preface this book. It was at this former commander of Queen Elizabeth 2 told that the Cunard Queen Mary 2 its output shipyards in Saint-Nazaire. Dr.
BARNICHON Gilles is the author of several books on naval history
which the ship De Grasse , those Ships
French hospitals and specialized Ships ( from MDV).
Daniel Hillion , maritime journalist, is a recognized expert in the history of the ships and the author of dozens of books including the recent France Norway and Sandy Hook (from MDV).
Dr. Luc Watin-Augouard is a great connoisseur of the Cunard liners. He relates in this book his experience aboard the most beautiful "majesties" of the company.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Invitation Letter For Inviting Brother

Travel Balda

"The very existence of Balda is not verifiable. Regardless, I'll be back."

On the edge of the unnoticed is a collection of texts in the tradition of imaginary voyages of Michaux and Pierre Bettencourt, an invitation exploration of fictitious and unexplored regions
Michel Guillou offers us and invites us to his own journey in Balda, and it is indeed a very wonderful dream to which he invites us.
I am always wary with this type of novel that we are always promises "full of poetry," but in fact we often find poetry with evocations of worlds under the influence, roads, route already known for places that often have an air of deja vu. With
Guillou is above all wonderful and unreal in question, these imaginary lands full of what childhood dreamed possible because that quite conceivable.
The difference between dreams and reality based not on fantasy but in the imagination.
Guillou fact as did Michaux, Bettencourt, Bee but Cyrano de Bergerac and many others (I'm a few years ago any subjective mapping of these imaginary lands ), the relation of a journey that takes its source deep within the intimate because that is what we Guillou shows except his inner world, the world as a dream?
Above all there is this sentence placed incipit which I find is all the mystery and charm of the book
"distances separating variables of Balder, very brief, very extensive, always winding. "This sentence
for entry into the field has no starting point. There is no point of origin to varying distances. Where is he from Balda to go? This is the reader to define, it is somewhat the standard meter. There is in that first sentence the full force of the invitation, we know immediately that this will also drive us to lay off for the journey Guillou proposes.
Balda is a world governed primarily by the art of matching words, a world that fascinates with its ability to divert or take literally the usual expressions. Thus baldéens can reap from the shadows into large jars for the days spent in the desert. Because they "always dressed in the costume of his destiny", he must learn to dress with care ... hat constrictor can become an object suddenly mortal.
It should be clear now, a surreal anime Balda and its inhabitants.
On the banks of the unnoticed is a book to be enjoyed, savored like a fine wine, complex and harmonious, generous and constantly renew its flavors, identical and yet new and more subtle with every sip.

Michel Guillou, On the banks the unnoticed Gallimard, 19 euros.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Shaving Genitals Cause Herpes Outbreak?

Hospital ships of New Zealand

The New Zealand troops played an important role in certain periods of the second world war. There is a site dedicated hospital ships which carried the flag.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Aubrey Miles Xerex Movie

experience Johnson

book dislocated

The unlucky arises primarily as a box and not as a book. A box containing twenty eight notebooks unrelated. A preface (Jonathan Coe) and September 20 only two other books include a title (the first and last) all others are marked with a symbol (all different).
Inside the box on the left side are afraid to read the instructions:
"except the first and last" chapters "(indicated as such), the twenty five more can be read in any order."
Here we are in the presence of a book the likes of Pattern of Cortazar, or perhaps (if the experiment is not conclusive) of these "books that you are the hero" (remember you) that we carry around from page to page in search of I do not know what a treasure.
Yet what I call "experience Johnson" pushes the boundaries of the slap in the face.
not only BS Johnson to score the decisive goal (since there is also a question football) but also win the match and go with that paris (bet on games is very English).
This novel reinvents its shape to such an extent that the shuffle mode is no longer an obstacle, but a catalyst in the service of his story.
But after all what is it?
"This book tells the story of what happens in the mind of a man"
man-a writer, but also sports editor for the occasion - is sent to a city account for a football match. On his arrival he realizes he has already come here that this city is back in her a lot of memories, those of a childhood sweetheart (Wendy) and her betrayal and those of his friend - died of cancer-(Tony). The story is simple
perhaps even trivial, that of a man who remembers a time in his life. But she is really driven by the strength of interior monologue that has been presented randomly.
The novel is a feat formal (random playback works well) about the service of a strong, poignant, powerful ...
"where I'll start, how to say what it was, its disintegration." The unlucky
is the story of a mess, a verbal logorrhea which exhausts a relationship and friendship. In short a storm under a skull.
Johnson played on the fragmentation of memory, linearity does not exist until it is in the sphere of memory, remembrance hackneyed. Each book is the relationship of a memory, a past moment happens to consciousness when he chose water, so it can be read as if the plan is just to be in the head ...
In a forthcoming book (surely I will come back) Patrick Roegiers writing about Proust and Joyce:
Joyce knew the book by heart. Add for him it was first remember. "Imagination is the work performed on the memory." Proust stated: "imagination is memory." And Joyce: "Imagination is memory."
the narrator of Unlucky is faced with precisely this problem of consistency, the mass loses his memory because of the time and working memory accuracy (just as alcohol because it seems), the text is regularly punctuated with phrases like "yet impossible to put this memory, he refuses to take his place."
The novel is a fun dive in the mental space of the narrator, a place that becomes more than pure space. Johnson comes to rightly make the time and duration ineffective in inner speech (except in snatches as malleable as interchangeable).
"The mind always manages to organize everything, he always wants to restore order, otherwise it disturbs, anarchy, disorder, a real torture."
Precisely this is where we torture inflicts Johnson and it also deals with his narrator.
A reading (after rearranged the order of chapters), I never stopped wanting to restore order in these moments of memory., because all the episodes to make sense. Read Unlucky is to accept to let go, but also to experience the torture he evokes, and let them endure the chaos.
Bryan Stanley Johnson, Unlucky, Quidam publisher, Collection Made in Europe, 32 euros.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bmx Paint Application

Events French

CENTER OF BURGUNDY FRANCOPHONIE's hosting, creation, dialogue around three events.

Concert Country Folk:
Carolyne Jomphre (Quebec)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 à 20 H 30
Hall Morambeau Le Breuil

Admission: 5 euros
(free for children under 15 years) Stand
Organized by: Centre Francophone
Burgundy Burgundy-Quebec
------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
"Tell Me"
texts written and read by people in neighborhoods and Torcy Le Creusot

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 à 20 H 30

(Le Creusot)


And Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 8:30 p.m.
Hall Morambeau

Led by Kheireddine LARDJAM "Company EL AJOUAD"

Producer Directed : Kheireddine LARDJAM

Centre Project Francophonie Burgundy
-------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------

Burgundy Centre Francophonie (Francophone Library and shared cultures)

" I want to know you "
Tuesday 24, Wednesday 25
Thursday 26 and Friday, November 27, 2009

Hall Morambeau
3, route de Couches
71670 Le Breuil en Burgundy (71)
Debates, meetings, testimony, entertainment, themed meals.

"I want to know you"

􀂙 Tuesday, November 24, 2009
- Theme: "Diversity cultural "
14H: Home and speeches of
􀂐" La Francophonie, an asset to humanity "by a representative of the OIF.
􀂐 "One of the origins of cultural diversity: the slave trade" by Marcel Dorigny, a historian at the Sorbonne, followed by the testimony of Bertin ARETO, ACOM Association (West Indies) Chalon.
􀂐 "A multicultural department, Guyana" by Michel Launey (CNRS) and Nicole Launey,
18H-20H: cocktail drink with coffee. Dinner: Italian cuisine Price: 12 euros.
Registration required. Regio ANFE Campania: 03/85/55/50/63 and 06/77/80/77/39
19H-20H: entertainment: Music Morvan "Group Pagaille" Le Creusot
20H30: "Tell me "Reading texts and of the residents of Le Creusot and Torcy
(course of life, memories ...) Francophonie Centre project, directed readings by Kheireddine Lardjane"
Co. El Ajouad ". ... (FREE ENTRY )
􀂙 Wednesday, November 25, 2009
10H-12H: "introduction to African dance percussion", hosted by Marianne Gabaut
(contribution: € 2) Listing
0385560858 - Theme: Day tour to the youth "
-" Immigration, Integration, 2nd and 3rd generations, the mixture of cultures. What
place the company is young it? "
*" Youth Take: actions in the Philippines and Niger "Lycée Hilaire de Chardonnet
(Chalon sur Saone). And video testimonials.
* "Schooling for Newcomers and Traveller children" response Emmanuelle
Nossereau, Academic Coordinator CASNAV (Dijon).
* Screening of "Route Crusaders "Film (26m), document socio-cultural Michel Meiffren
director. Young people from all backgrounds expressed in Chalon (71).

􀂐 Intervention by a French writer with an immigrant background: Thomté Ryam (Chad),
suburban youth and young writer, he wrote "Township" and "Waiting for the bus explodes
). Dialogue with young students of Le Creusot.
􀂐 An organization field: "The board of the district town of Le Creusot, intervention
director, Christian Revenue.
􀂐 Stand Ecomuseum Creusot on economic migration.
18H-20H cocktail appetizer with Coffee Break. Dinner: Portuguese specialties Price 12 euros. (Registration required
: Portuguese Association: 06/85/87/78/65 and 06/03/05/85/17)
19H-20H: entertainment. Percussion.
20H30: Entertainment made by young people: singers club convergence "7 mindset 71,
interventions of foreign students at the University of Le Creusot. (FREE ENTRY)
􀂙 Thursday November 26, 2009
Morning: Japanese Calligraphy Workshop (10h-11h) and Japanese dance workshop (11am-12pm) animated by Marisa
HAYES (USA-The BREUIL) (Attendance: 2 euros) on: 0385560858
- Theme: "Women in diversity"
14H: speaking: Evelyne Couillerot, 1st Vice pte of the General Council of the Saône Loire and Safia Otokoré, Vice
pte Regional Council of Burgundy at the International.
􀂐 "Women's struggles in France," Testimony of Yvette Gressard (Women Solidarity)
􀂐 "New challenges for women in France in 2009," Nathan intervention Bonnot,
delegated departmental Women's Rights and Equality.
􀂐 An example of difference: the integration work (Testimony of Maria Gallo ESAT, former CAT), Le Breuil

􀂐 "A Woman in Business": Interview with Evelyne Rogowicz, former president of the court
Prud men (Le Creusot).
􀂐 The case of Morocco, "the Amazigh woman," "matriarchal society and patriarchal," "the
new family code" by Nadia Chafik, writer, academic (Rabat)
􀂐 Dialogue 2 votes "Women of Africa ': Nadia Chafik (Morocco) and Veronique Tadjo (
Cote d'Ivoire) with participation Safia Otokoré, author of "From the slums of Djibouti to the street
18H-20H: cocktail drink with coffee. Dinner: English Specialties: Meal price: 13euros
(Registration required. Foyer English. Ms. Gerizier: 19h-20h 06/15/50/03/59
Animation: African dance performance by the percussion troupe Zelgadanse ( Tournus)
20H30: performing at the Arc "Vipers are jasmine perfume" Nasser Djema. A mother / daughter.

􀂙 Friday, November 27, 2009
9:30 to 11:30: belly dance workshop hosted by Charazed Achou (participation: 2 euros) Joined:

0385560858 - Theme: "Show me your religion"
4:30 p.m.
♠ Part 1: A representative of two religions in turn expressed tower meets the same 5 questions

- Christianity: Father Dominique Oudot, vicar of the bishop of Autun.
- Islam: Mahmoud ZUHAIR, director of the European Institute of Human Sciences
. St Léger Fougeret (58)
♠ Part 2: Exchange: religion / society / secularism with a representative secular solidarity (Paris) and
representatives of religions.
􀂾 (Moderator: Bernard Mérigoux, member of SFBC) 18H-20H
cocktail drink with coffee. Dinner: Oriental specialties. Price: 12 euros
(Registration required: Riheb The 4 corners of the world: 06/24/69/21/79)
20H30: Concert Natasha BEZRICHE: nomadic songs, songs of the Mediterranean Sea blends
cultural establishments. (FREE ENTRY)
Stand bookstore, bar, restaurant
PERMANENT EXHIBITION . "Women Portraits of the world ... "Presentation of 27 women
Burgundy (70x50), a project conducted by the Centre Francophone de Bourgogne in 2007.
Note that for all meat meals are halal.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Request Prom Catalogs For Free

The Reader's Quebec

the Reader's Guide QUEBEC

After the Reader's Guide to Black Africa and the Maghreb, Francophone Centre conducted the Reader's 15 tracks in Quebec.

1 ° - "Some farewells" (1932). Marie Laberge. Anne Carriere editor. (Novel).
2 ° - "Agaguk" (1958). Yves Theriault. The last haven editor. (Novel).
3 ° - "Kamouraska" (1971). Anne Hebert. Threshold publisher. (Novel).
4 ° - "The revolving door (1985). Jacques Savoy. Boreal editor. (Novel).
5 ° - "Summer Island" grace (1992). Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska. Typo editor. (Novel).
6 ° - "Goodbye Babylon" (1975). Naim Kattan. Publisher Albin Michel. (Autobiography).
7 ° - "Ingratitude" (1996). Ying Chen. Actes Sud / Leméac, editors. (Novel).
8 ° - " Les Filles de Caleb. " Alice Munro. Albin Michel, editor. (Novel) "Emily" (1985).
9 ° - "Les Filles de Caleb." " Blanche" (1986).
10 ° - "LesFilles Caleb." "Elise " (1986).
11 ° - "The Station" (2005). Sergio Khakis. XYZ publisher. (Novel).
12 ° - "How to become a monster? " (2004). John Beard. Leméac editor. (Novel).
13 ° - "Hadassah" (2006). Myriam Beaudoin. Leméac editor. (Novel).
14 ° - " The muffled " (1977). Louis Caron. Robert Laffont publisher. (Novel).
15 ° - "Mary followed the summer" Lise Bissonnette . Boreal. (Novel).

We could cite many other titles. But the preference for books accessible, addressing different themes available in our fund and French.

Kates Playground New Dideo

Miss Nobody

Title: Miss person
Author: Marie-Christine Bernard
Genre: romance
Publisher: Hurtubise (Quebec)

Here a novel that gives us strong TM Bernard. With a little common language, true, dense, rich terms Quebec French. Good. It smells like soil, irrigated kelp life, earth, ocean, iodine, working people and good living.
was pleased to read such a novel built a very original way. Imagine a society
Gaspe, around the 1940s, strongly clamped in the ubiquitous Roman Catholic traditions.
history, exciting and very human after all, is growing and becoming clearer by the word of successive 4 main characters. Justin (O'Brien), a small Irish journalist who never leave Red Sable. Will (Mac Brearty), very lively one. Celeste, heroin. Emile, Celeste's lover and the Machiavellian mayor, all dead and talking! But fiction has the power to make the dead speak. There is also another character who perish at sea Lady Celeste, a ship, which the author speaks as a woman with the same words of love that we address in general to a beloved woman.
TM Bernard knows how to describe love as a person! It's beautiful and air. It is fleshy and sensual.
But this novel is also interesting in another respect. It promotes culture Native American (Mic-Mac) by drawing characters wise and generous while using words that stick to the Micmac story.
A beautiful novel.

Marie-Christine Bernard was born in 1966, she teaches Humanities at Alma College. She grew up on the shores of the Baie des Chaleurs, the venue of the novel.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

80s Wrestling Tshirts

Jim Tom and Alice

With these three names that can be summed up my summer reading. Three novels that I chose to dive into the world of childhood, three fates we meet and talk about what the imaginary. Three novels that are said to children (and they are also degrees of miscellaneous), but I seem to be more novels in the world of childhood (as no one is excluded): Alice in Wonderland, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Treasure Island. Three huge novelists Lewis Carroll, Stevenson and Mark Twain.

Three ways to live and to break with the world of childhood because the stakes of these stories is precisely to grow each of the characters: Alice in her dreams on the other side of the mirror, Jim search of hidden treasure on the island and finally Tom in his adventures along the Mississippi. But finally three novels very ambiguous because they cause effects diametrically opposed the reader whether adult or child. Let me explain, these novels are in themselves the world of childhood but also the sadness of the loss of this world. A child reader will find in these readings which grow by identifying with heroes, but adult readers will find him a way to return temporarily to childhood, be it in the dream world of Alice and wacky in the antics of Tom ( He particularly wants to die temporarily), or experience the adventure of Jim (exoticism of the island, searching for treasure, sea voyage with pirates ...).
There is experimenting with the strange power of reading. George
Battle early Literature and evil wrote that "literature is has finally found childhood" (1). And if that was the secret of romance for us to read, to captivate us.
In Latin the word child is in-fantia (literally a-parlance). Quignard said "I the returns to an initial state, not social, which we source " (2). We may as well refer to this literature important thing, which source (Quignard hue of melancholy and loneliness). Alice in her dream the other side of the mirror invented language and a world in which it has everything to learn. Stevenson rejects the limits of the world of Jim and Twain moral to learn.
If literature is childhood rediscovered at last, there is much there for the reader the freedom to return each time to invent a new world in which we learn the codes (like language) as and when reading. We find ourselves in a position aligned with the child that you want romance.

Jim recounts his adventures as does Alice, but he does not like a child (it does not tell us what his age when he started are narrative, it is definitely adult, and yet he relocates to his own childhood, it abolishes the distance that separates his memories). Alice is the contrary totally immersed in the world of children she speaks to us from his dream.
Alice in learning about the world.
Jim and Tom are in use worldwide.

Henry James likes to think that " the novelist must write from experience, that his characters must be real, like those that may be encountered in life " (3). In
nice feud that pitted him against Stevenson in 1884, he claimed that his real mackerel because he dil " I was a child, but I've never been in search of treasure "(4). It is heard in reality. Stevenson replied through which precisely lacks most to James, the sense of the imagination: " That, indeed, a provocative paradox, because he was never looking for a treasure hidden, it is proof that he was never a child . " (5)

is indeed what is at stake in these novels there, that these novelists question the deeper. I mean the territory of the imagination.
It is variable in boys but rooted in reality, while Alice is exploring underground and unknown worlds.
What joins them is the use of all three that can make the world is the power of imagination.
Tom Sawyer is a novel because of the playfulness of children of the nineteenth century in this Illinois which borders the Mississippi. On reading it feels really great between the author and his subject. Twain is as mischievous as Tom, he rejoices to write his adventures. Tom plans to temporarily die (for love after an argument with Becky) is where the dream machine racing, there is a child to think about it and put it into practice. Tom has no concept of consequences in fact he does not care. Imagination opens up the field of possibilities.
Alice's adventures, they are totally in the imagination, it uses, form, and transforms the words, it shapes his fiction when she was alive. The boys themselves are embracing the world, their imagination lies in the potential of the real world, not that they manufacture.
Overall it is likely that the three novels leave them open on the imaginary world, including their purposes. Nothing prevents the reader to dream sequences. There was Alice, and Tom and it can no doubt dreaming of the adventures of Silver since it happens to escape with some money.

"Before when I used to read fairy tales, I imagined that these things never came, and here I am now in the midst of a tale! We should write a book about me for sure. " (p 78).

editions are read: the new translation of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (provided by Bernard Hoepffner Edition Tristram), Alice Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (new translation by Laurent Bury, paperback), Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson (translation of the cast of Marc Poree, Folio).

(1) Literature and evil , Preface, folio test.
(2) Pascal Quignard The boat silent, Ed du Seuil, p. 64.
(3) Michel Le Bris, A friendship Literary: James Stevenson , Payot, p. 84.
(4) ibid, p 97.
(5) ibid, p 110.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Kind Of Underwear Do Firemen Wear

Dictionary of Hispanic literatures

There was nothing since 2005, since the release of English-American literature from 1940 to today Claude Cymerman and Claude Fell (Nathan, 2001) course exhausted, never reprinted.
The thing is repaired this fall since just published this wonderful Dictionary of Hispanic Literature (Spain and Latin America) in the collection Bouquin Robert Laffont. A true bible 17,000 entries directed by Jordi Bonell which collects and organizes information on these literatures to the Hispanic writers born in 1962, the ultra-contemporary literature is certainly present (including the authors that we just discovered in France - I think, for example, Daniel Sada).
The dictionary also by the beautiful thematic sections on the different histories of literature from Central and South America, as well as on literary movements and major texts (again there are synthetic reviews on contemporary classics up at Bolano 2666). So here we are with
an indispensable tool and ultimately very rare in the publishing landscape. The dictionaries offer the PUF (India, Japan, China, Brazil ...) have the merit to exist but are extracts from the enormous literature Universal Dictionary of 1994 which did the spotlight on contemporary and History of American Literature 1939-1989 Pierre-Yves Pétillon (Fayard, 1992 and 2003) would have needed a serious update.
literature is global, but it takes time to synthesize and determine the knowledge ...
You retort that there is Internet and Wikipedia ... sure, but with this kind of book that is a whole literature that I want to reach, it as if all these novels and poems were already a little in my library. Maybe it's the idea of portable literature.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sore Throat Sore Gums

Drago Jancar and image.

Discovered by the novel cover Drago Jancar (the last jewel to be published in the North West Passage) Katarina the peacock and the Jesuit photos of Desiree Dolron (site here) are a real emotional shock.
Four amazing series of photos:
- Xteriors (which is from the photo on cover) evokes the tradition of Flemish painting anything with a small canvases Wihelm Hammershoi. These photos freeze blood and fascinating at the same time.
- Te di todos mid Suenos is a photo story in Havana.
- Gaze are portraits underwater (it is surprising that Björk have not yet used to it).
-and finally Exaltation is a story about the sacred dances (I do not know in which country) where we see that the art of piercing in the West is still in its infancy.

What to fill their peepers waiting to attack the Slovene novel, because these pictures tell stories here.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How To Remove Trial From Big Fish Games


Title: With your hands
Author: Ahmed Kalouaz
Genre: Editions du Rouergue novel

Here is a moving book, modest and deeply human, discovered by chance in a bookstore in Perpignan this summer.
The author reinvents the story of his father long after his death. Poverty in Algeria, the second world war, working in France the most thankless and poorly paid, contempt, injustice, but always personal pride. Ahmed Kalouaz born in Algeria, grew up in France and believed it was not close enough to the father who has suffered for his family, who always hoped to return to Algeria, but that will come back in a coffin and will stay away from home.
You feel the nostalgia, regret that will not return, a certain modesty to speak of a father who never expressed her feelings. It is seen from within that exile is also a break with his country of origin but also with his own children as they draw away and otherwise. We perceive the double insulation for those immigrants whose return will remain a dream. Finally is there a blessing for these people who left everything? Beau
novel where filial love spreads underneath.

Kalouaz Ahmed was born in 1952 in Arzew (Algeria) very young and joined his father with the whole family. He currently lives in Villeneuve-les-Avignon (Gard).
novels, poetry, drama, children's literature, creative writing or words even in prison, Ahmed Kalouaz has to date published over 30 books.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What Does 365/360 Mean

Russian hospital ship Orel in the Battle of Tsushima in 1905

The Russian battleship Orel is transformed into a hospital ship in 1904 Toulon.

The room and the operating table.

One dormitory rooms the hospital ship .

Gutter Auffret ( sic) that allows the injured to take the air on deck.
Photos Bougault for Life Ad
Thank Marc Hoffmann (Artop ) who kindly sent this document.

The strange story of
Orel in the Battle of Tsushima in 1905
The naval battle of the Sea of Japan (Battle of Tsushima Strait ) between Russian and Japanese navies took place on 27 and 28 May 1905. Admiral Togo Heihachiro were two times more light cruisers and eight destroyers over the vice-admiral Rozhestvenskii .
the night of 26, the quarantine of Russian ships juts into the Strait of Tsushima . the hospital ship Orel was lighted in accordance with international law (and the code of the Red Cross ), which allowed a Japanese vessel to locate the Russian squadron just before sunrise , around 4 pm 45. But this is
that to 14 pm the Russian battleship Souvaroff opened fire. The Japanese respond with fire more accurate and intense. Within an hour the Russian battleship Oslabia was sunk. At night, the Russians had lost half of their battleships. Under cover of darkness, a massacre by Japanese destroyers. At dawn, the Russians had only five ships capable of fighting, surrounded by 27 Japanese ships. Nebogatoff (who had replaced Rozhestvenskii wounded on Souvaroff ) decided to surrender. 26 Russian ships were sunk, six made by the Japanese (whose hospital ship Orel *), six others sought refuge in neutral ports and three managed to join the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok .
During the Battle of Tsushima , Orel was hit by five rounds of 300mm, 250mm 2, 9 200mm, 28 150mm. After the battle, the Orel joined the group badly damaged naval cons Admiral Nikolai Ivanovich Nebogatov , crews belonging Vessels of war in this group (the battleships Orel , Emperor Nicolas I. , General Admiral Apraxine , Admiral Senyavine and the cruiser Izumud ) were held captive. * The

Russian hospital ship Orel was convicted by a Japanese prize court for having transported prisoners of war and military equipment.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Coin Cascade Homemade

Sisters nurses on a hospital ship at Salonika

Sisters nurses preparing bandages on a hospital ship Salonika. The Salonika expedition, or Eastern front, was fought from 1915 to 1918 from the Greek port of Macedonia. Many hospital ships were involved in this phase of World War I intended to fix some of the troops of the Central Empires off the Western Front.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What Should The Subject Be In A Thank You Emai;

Our silences

"Our silences " of Wahiba KHIARI Edition Elyzad (Tunis). Distributed in France by Pollen.

After the black decade, a young Algerian leaves his pure country Tunisia. The religious and political authorities in Algeria enact forgiveness for criminal acts of fundamentalism.
regularly raped at age 16, every night in a camp of the "Cerberus of God on earth" as they called themselves, his sister abducted and shot dead while trying to flee, his parents murdered in his eyes, the young Algerian decides to speak, write "for the indelible memory tattoo" because evil is too deep. This book recounts testimony
fear, night terrors (as cowards operate only at night), kidnappings and violence against girls and young virgins preferably in the bush.
The author said his indelible hatred. She said her motherhood and her ambiguous feelings or joy-rejection, child rape.
beings destroyed in the depths of themselves who take time to rebuild. A story
sincere, strong, true, full of modesty which dull pain at the turn of the pages. Novel constructed as a duo: the self and another that allows me the distance. Beau
novel and pleasing to the beautiful book jacket.

Quote: "Writing is also cutting into the flesh tattoo indelible memory" (p.105).

Comment Central Francophonie Burgundy . How a rule of law can apply to innocent victims to forgive without further ado? How can we forgive when we saw her father and mother, two loved ones on earth, slaughtered like sheep, when you have suffered for many days of repeated rape, given that his sister, a beautiful daughter, was machine-gunned in the back during flight? A rapist, a murderer is a criminal. Whether one says Cerberus God does not change. A criminal is a criminal and a criminal must be tried and punished for the victim to mourn and forgive.

What feelings do you have when a criminal is walking around with impunity at home while loved ones are destroyed forever!

What do you think also of those who question religious authorities for months over whether to allow abortion or not? Who think that abortion was finally allowed in Bosnia because committed by Serbs Orthodox but banned in Algeria since committed by Muslims! A secular state is it not the best answer to all these quibbles religious, a secular state where everyone is free to believe as he wishes while respecting the beliefs of others!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Best Trebuchet Simulator

hospital ship at Arromanches (June 1944)

On the beaches of the Normandy landings in June 1944, a hospital ship (English?) Docked at a wharf in the harbor at Arromanches.