Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Kind Of Underwear Do Firemen Wear

Dictionary of Hispanic literatures

There was nothing since 2005, since the release of English-American literature from 1940 to today Claude Cymerman and Claude Fell (Nathan, 2001) course exhausted, never reprinted.
The thing is repaired this fall since just published this wonderful Dictionary of Hispanic Literature (Spain and Latin America) in the collection Bouquin Robert Laffont. A true bible 17,000 entries directed by Jordi Bonell which collects and organizes information on these literatures to the Hispanic writers born in 1962, the ultra-contemporary literature is certainly present (including the authors that we just discovered in France - I think, for example, Daniel Sada).
The dictionary also by the beautiful thematic sections on the different histories of literature from Central and South America, as well as on literary movements and major texts (again there are synthetic reviews on contemporary classics up at Bolano 2666). So here we are with
an indispensable tool and ultimately very rare in the publishing landscape. The dictionaries offer the PUF (India, Japan, China, Brazil ...) have the merit to exist but are extracts from the enormous literature Universal Dictionary of 1994 which did the spotlight on contemporary and History of American Literature 1939-1989 Pierre-Yves Pétillon (Fayard, 1992 and 2003) would have needed a serious update.
literature is global, but it takes time to synthesize and determine the knowledge ...
You retort that there is Internet and Wikipedia ... sure, but with this kind of book that is a whole literature that I want to reach, it as if all these novels and poems were already a little in my library. Maybe it's the idea of portable literature.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sore Throat Sore Gums

Drago Jancar and image.

Discovered by the novel cover Drago Jancar (the last jewel to be published in the North West Passage) Katarina the peacock and the Jesuit photos of Desiree Dolron (site here) are a real emotional shock.
Four amazing series of photos:
- Xteriors (which is from the photo on cover) evokes the tradition of Flemish painting anything with a small canvases Wihelm Hammershoi. These photos freeze blood and fascinating at the same time.
- Te di todos mid Suenos is a photo story in Havana.
- Gaze are portraits underwater (it is surprising that Björk have not yet used to it).
-and finally Exaltation is a story about the sacred dances (I do not know in which country) where we see that the art of piercing in the West is still in its infancy.

What to fill their peepers waiting to attack the Slovene novel, because these pictures tell stories here.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How To Remove Trial From Big Fish Games


Title: With your hands
Author: Ahmed Kalouaz
Genre: Editions du Rouergue novel

Here is a moving book, modest and deeply human, discovered by chance in a bookstore in Perpignan this summer.
The author reinvents the story of his father long after his death. Poverty in Algeria, the second world war, working in France the most thankless and poorly paid, contempt, injustice, but always personal pride. Ahmed Kalouaz born in Algeria, grew up in France and believed it was not close enough to the father who has suffered for his family, who always hoped to return to Algeria, but that will come back in a coffin and will stay away from home.
You feel the nostalgia, regret that will not return, a certain modesty to speak of a father who never expressed her feelings. It is seen from within that exile is also a break with his country of origin but also with his own children as they draw away and otherwise. We perceive the double insulation for those immigrants whose return will remain a dream. Finally is there a blessing for these people who left everything? Beau
novel where filial love spreads underneath.

Kalouaz Ahmed was born in 1952 in Arzew (Algeria) very young and joined his father with the whole family. He currently lives in Villeneuve-les-Avignon (Gard).
novels, poetry, drama, children's literature, creative writing or words even in prison, Ahmed Kalouaz has to date published over 30 books.