Saturday, January 30, 2010

What Is A Mans Size 6 To Womans

This January 30 marks the 65th anniversary of the sinking of the famous German liner by a Soviet submarine. Here is a file photo of the ship into a hospital ship.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hyperpigmentation Makeup

Text Yanick Lahens

Received two days ago in my mailbox from the Bookstore Humor ink Montreuil.

Friday 29 January, we were to receive Yanick Lahens. She stayed close to his family in Haiti. However, we maintained the evening, and tried to breathe life into his work. After reading (very fine, incidentally), we discussed with Sabine Wespieser, its editor. Sabine read a letter Yanick. This letter, all persons present wished to receive it. With this shipment, it will be done. But to those who were not present, I would advice: read this letter, this example of humanity, this definition of literature.

How to write and what to write?

I'm not with you today. I am very sorry. But you will understand that the earthquake of January 12, holds me still in my country in the middle of mine. This event is stressful if it is unable to extinguish the writer in me that arises now more than ever following questions: what to write and how to write?

I started to chronicle a simple accounting of facts and a description that I wanted the most accurate damage. And of course distress. That distant strangers cross the street, in shelters, in hospitals and the nearest neighbor which we followed impotent, the slow agony under the rubble of the Ministry of Justice, that this young woman we have hosted and every morning until nightfall went to this hotel that collapsed to finally locate the rubble after ten days the mobile phone of her husband right next to his hand and then his body five days later.

I started doing it and had to be done. And then came two images remind me and convince me that my role as a writer could not be reduced to a macabre accounting or transcription of a simple fact, but was to invent a world that amplifies or extends resonates precisely this .

The first image is that of a child out of the rubble, arms raised to heaven, a smile like a fruit in season and told his mother "I'm thirsty and I Hunger ". The second is that of a young girl on the outskirts of a market three days after the earthquake is braiding hair and looks in a mirror. I liked this boy who said yes to life, which was almost a foot from nose to misfortune and looked to the future with the Suns in the eye. For the second image I told myself that when the girls still want to be nice to run in front of desire and words on edge, all hope is not lost. Both brought me back to an essential truth: do not celebrate life in spite of everything, do not be transformed by art or literature, it is us to strike a second time by the disaster.

So I had to hurry back all these feelings that I know only too well to my white sheet and my keyboard. First one to be late on life. Then that of wanting to turn around the same questions. In attempting to provide answers to some form, other substantive issues, knowing that I will bring only temporary answers always called to renew. Like the force, that it requires. Because writing is not just write down words, "we must be stronger than the writing itself to address, must be stronger than what we write. " I'm trying hard these days to accumulate a little of that strength to transcend the event and get back to my readers with words that will touch them as hands.

Haiti January 28, 2010

Obviously this is a text which speaks for itself, however, the life force and its primacy over death expressed in this article reminds me of the novel Sarinagara Forest notament the part about the photographer Yosuke Yamahata present just after the explosion of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Here is an excerpt where he describes the last photo taken by Yamahata.

"A mother nursing her child: a very young woman in the splendor of his recent motherhood, torso, white gloss between the skirts of her dress apart, within a short head which the baby's mouth . They both seem to have been only slightly affected: on the right cheek of the woman, her beautiful face, the red flower opens just a notch and if the child appears to have been more severely injured the skull, her skin does that traces of superficial burns and he drank with such concentrated energy, we would say stubbornly committed to life, protected as its mother in the heart of the cataclysm, breathing in the eye of the cyclone disaster, saved, restoring forces with application necessary for repeating a second existence among the ruins. "

" Yamahata knows his job. the image is all done. It remains for him to take it. She said. It is the only image admissible disaster. In fact, it remains the most famous. The melancholy, almost lost the young woman, staring into space, expresses a sorrow boundless huge point to wrap him in distress to the dimensions of the universe. But the gesture immemorial breast she gives, the trusting abandonment of the child in his arms, incomprehensible sense of strength that emerges of the two bodies tenderly pressed against each other, their integrity and unique beauty say even stronger desire to survive stubborn. "

Philippe Forest, Sarinagara, Gallimard, 2004. (pages 234-235)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Light Period For 2 Weeks Before Period

"for me to write you Woua" call for papers.

I do not wish to enter into polemics with the Maritime Prefect expresses very well his taste on his alamblog , Especially as we agree on many books including those of Céline Minard. But I find the stick a little stronger and make me deal in turn starling kangaroo and tracassin saddens me a little I must admit.
Bastard Battle did not have the same impact on me qu'Olimpia was certainly a lack of Japanese culture and medieval ... they blame me, I'm just being honest in expressing my favorites and have no accountability.
What annoys me a little more taxing this make me a follower of the "parochial debate in which sticky writhe decades languages as wood alcohol literature, small dropper pen, tracassins the imagination. "It gives me a horrifying discovery, I do not know where this reader, for whom" writing you Woua.
I therefore invite On this page the host of the upcoming Alamblog clarify the concept of "me for writing you Woua" which seems obscure.
I have no doubt that we arrived, provided it is constructive to give read a very rewarding conversation on contemporary literature. An open conversation that I hear open to all, of course.
Finally regarding the current writers original, daring and give pleasure his readers, he'll come just a few in mind while I prepare my stuffed tomatoes: Antoine Volodin, Eric Chevillard, Claude Louis-Combet, Michel Guillou (recement any overdraft), Chloe Delaume Richard Morgiève, Marcel Moreau, Régis Jauffret, Yannick Lahens, Patrice Pluyette Eric Faye, Mathias Enard, Patrick Deville, Nicole Caligaris, Jean Delabroy, Frederic Ciriez, Christian Garcin ... I'll stop there though he remains.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Connecting The Powered Subwoofer Jvc

Since the abyss: the voice of Olimpia

Céline Minard Olimpia succeeds in what she had missed in my taste with Bastard Battle in its work of blasting the language. Where this does not work with the language of the Middle Ages comes here with the game on the baroque an explosion, it goes in all directions and it hits every time. That's right, deep and strong. Baroque allows all the excesses and outrages inflicted Minard language.
Maidalchini Olimpia (1592-1657) seems to be an extraordinary figure for a novelist, born of nothing she climbs out of sheer ambition and lust for power at the highest rank of his time (in an alcove behind the throne of Pope Innocent X) it becomes popess instead of the pope. But that kind of power in Shadow does not support the light and the pope's death, he lost more than she had throughout her life.
Minard's novel is entirely in a monologue, and a short biography that has artfully put the figure in perspective. There is a great job on the inside and outside character who dares to go after his madness.
Roman short, is a diatribe of Olimpia logorrhea violent and hateful against this world she thought control. The monologue draws its strength from the hatred and anger, deep in the body of a woman who has lost everything. The violence of his remarks is proportionately equal to that world of power that comes from collapsing to escape at his feet.
Olimpia when she talks about is a broken woman, her tongue is made of flesh and sweat and blood, it stinks as strong as the rage that inhabits it. There is in the words of Olimpia, which are of great violence a heady and intoxicating hypnotic power.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis



Chaired by Claude Thomas, Centre Francophone Association of Burgundy, is used to organize various events where rencon be the creation and dialogue are very often slogans.

The event which runs until Friday at the Chamber of Breuil Morambeau fits perfectly with this logic.

The diversity week is a mix of debates, discussions between professionals and young people, stories, animations, themed meals and entertainment is really about the richness of diversity in all its forms. Since, whether cultural, human or religious, it can only be beneficial.

Beneficial for adults as for younger. The youths were also at the center of the theme on Wednesday. A theme that has highlighted the many important and beneficial side of the phenomenon of diversity.

Primordial first since the discussions that took place yesterday throughout the afternoon, raised the idea that diversity means certainly distinguish between multiple individuals or groups but this imposes also to respect differences of each, bearing absolutely no judgments on the beliefs of the individual, whether ethnic, moral or physical.

Enriching then because it is this phenomenon that leads to a lasting integration and solidarity, now crucial for young people seeking a place in society. (In Le
Tuesday, November 24, 2009: Cultural Diversity
Claude Thomas, chairman of the Centre francophone de Bourgogne specifies the objectives of the Diversity Week : Induce
encounter, overcome fear, develop tolerance, initiate dialogue for a better life together, because the goal deep our reference value, is the man.

Mr. Mohamed Larbi Haouat , vice president of AFAL, recalls the need for the Francophonie to assert his rights, namely use French in international forums. It's also a way to respect other languages and cultural diversity.

historian Marcel Dorigny exhibits with demonstrations in support of several eras and modalities of trafficking and the repercussions of blacks in the Caribbean.

Mr. Launay, a researcher at CRNS, and Nicole Launay, teacher specialists Guyana discussing this cosmopolitan department at Fort multiculturalism, and state that third of children arriving at school do not speak French.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009: Diversity Youth

Young High School Hilaire Chardonnet in Chalon (71) and their teacher, Denise Bousquet , show their humanitarian video in Niger and the Philippines, in a home abused girls.

The young writer Thomté Ryan, Franco-Chadian watch in a dialogue with a young high school schoolgirl Blum Creusot to be young of the suburbs is not to be condemned failure automatically.

The projection of a document the socio-cultural Meiffren Michel called "cross Route " highlighted the reactions of young Chalonnais of all backgrounds.

Christian Revenue, Director of the Board of the districts of Le Creusot (71), shows the importance of neighborhood governance: job creation, employability and social cohesion. A board is a gateway between two worlds that are struggling to meet .

Thursday, November 26, 2009: Women in diversity
Safia Otokoré , vice president of the Burgundy region, recalled that "a society that takes care of its women is a company that grows and grows rich."

Couillerot Evelyn, 1st Vice-President of the General Council of Saone et Loire did not fail to say that "women are diverse in themselves and not a disadvantage. "

Gressard Yvette, a militant long Women's Rights, raised the need to continue the fight for equal opportunity and not to desert fighting.

Nathalie Bonnot, Departmental Delegate for Women's Rights and Equality, said, figures to support, " that parity between men and women far from being achieved. "

Nadia Chafik , academic and writer Morocco (Rabat), this the status of women in Morocco (matriarchy, patriarchy) and said that the new family code that differences will gradually fade but it will be long and uneven territory.

Then in a dialogue with Veronica Tadjo , writer (Ivory Coast), these two African writers, have made clear that there are situations in Africa and that women in this continent are very diverse.

The young Maria GALLO , the ESAT Le Breuil, showed that the integration for the disabled is achieved through work.

Friday, November 27, 2009: Diversity in religion

" Present me your religion " this was precisely the theme on Friday, during the last afternoon of this week's discussions initiated and implemented by the Centre Francophone de Bourgogne. To discuss this topic These are two important personalities in the field of religion that came before the meeting. In fact, they represented two different religions ..

One is Father Dominic Oudot, vicar of the bishop of Autun and therefore of Christian faith, and the other Mr. Zuhair Mahmoud , director of the Institute European Humanities and Muslim. Having presented their particular concept of religion and their own definition of faith, they also stressed an important point, namely that the observed diversity within a religion

but that this diversity does not in any time the existence of strong ties or even fraternal.

It is this sense of richness of diversity that prevailed at the end of the event in place since Tuesday and was, for a first, a resounding success.

The diversity week ends in fine style with a concert, a kind of poetic musical journey, magical journey, around the Mediterranean (gypsy songs, Berber, Greek, Yiddish, Yemenite ...) with the wonderful voice of Natasha Bezriche .

A week of sharing, listening, meetings and dialogue through debates, entertainment (dance and calligraphy), meals and nationalities, shows and library space.
This important event humanistic and friendly was made possible through the support of partners we thank the following: ACSE (most important), the CUSC, the Regional Council of Burgundy, the intervention fund of the Community Cultural Creusot Montceau, the General Council of Burgundy, the Ministry of Women's Rights and equality, Crédit Agricole.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How Often Do You Get Sick If You Have Hiv

CENTRE FRANCOPHONIE BURGUNDY presents his greetings to all visitors.
May 2010 bring each and everyone of you health, joy, vitality and humanity, the spirit of peace, tolerance and brotherhood, in a rich variety of possibilities.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Best Cpu For Striker Extreme

Camus and America

I can not resist the avalanche Camus not bring my modest contribution. Read a few days ago in a volume of his books (number II p 114).
About the American novel: It is the universal. As classicism. But while the classic is an eternal universal, contemporary literature, because of circumstances (interpenetration of boundaries) is a universal history. This is not the man of all time is the man of all spaces.
This sentence is probably written in 1943-1944. Camus seems to hold in low esteem by writers (North) American Faulkner put out and the writers of the nineteenth century (mean Melville and Hawthorne). In a short interview published in Combat 17 January 1947 he sharpens his pen even more by saying that the men of the American novel elemental beings are devoid of taste for the shortcut, of understatement, the implied (values rooted in the French tradition ), they are representatives universal value-but-true basic. The literature of North America is then reduced to a "literary magazine." However, at the end of the interview he suggests (without naming names) a promise of exceeding the American literature, an explosion beneficial ...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Microwave Steak A Pudding Recipe

Uganda, back in the Falklands in 1982

Voivi a video showing the famous British liner Uganda in Southampton on his return from the South Atlantic after the Falklands conflict:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Birth Day Cake Potohs

The seamstress - Francine ALLARD

Title: "The Dressmaker"
Volume 1: "The hands of time"
Volume 2: the revenge of the black widow "
Author: Francine Allard
kind: novel
Publisher: Three Pistoles (Quebec)

Francine ALLARD, writer, poet, artist Quebec

Show Francine Allard is not a simple exercise such as author embraces a variety of fields.
Born in 1949 in Verdun, a city adjacent to Montreal at the time, Francine Allard, enjoys the openness of her parents and when his training is extensive. It's theater, perfects his voice, remarkably told, entered the Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art, gets a college degree in social sciences, studied philosophy, became a chorister at Radio Canada, manages the teaching degree, take care of children with disabilities.
same time, brimming with activity, she studied watercolor pottery and participates in group exhibitions.
columnist, humorist time, this strong personality, very rooted in his time, takes a position with passion for social issues, like the recent curriculum reform in education.
But it is also and above all a writer of great talent. His novels (youth and adults) do not leave indifferent. One feels behind the overflow of energy, a sense of the other, openness, sensitivity, listening, in short, a humanist reality.
Poet, "At the end of the wharf ", " Vocalises a sob "Her words catch us, we hustled and we end up" every thing ".
" Do not hear the groans indigestible
our parents frustrated
" in Vocalises ... And Vlan!!

Today, Le Centre Francophone de Bourgogne is pleased to present the 2 previously published volumes of his trilogy "The seamstress " books which we hope many readers.

Two books to read and exciting to offer.

- Volume 1 "The hands of time "

The story of this announced trilogy begins in 1910, in Lachine, on the shores of Lake St. Louis, Quebec, St. Joseph Blvd. Adelina
Trudel, mother of Emilia, gives birth to a boy, Victor, but dies in childbirth. Donald Crevier, the midwife, who loves Josephat, father, will be quietly moving in with him but will never become his wife, to his chagrin. It will wound all her life. However, it will be time to give a passion for sewing to Emilia that her job will eventually assert itself as a creative and prominent.
This novel reads easily draw the fate of two women: Emilia and Donald.
During the crisis, affluent families in wealthy families, Emilia provide toilets for weddings and thereby help his family survive. Disappointed by fickle suitors, in constant search for affection due to lack of maternal love, she finds the love in Louis Turgeon unfortunate bus driver, Victor, the brother of Emilia will collide one night of euphoria.
Donald, pregnant, leave it, discreetly Lachine, after the death of his mother and his disenchantment and, wise woman and concrete, will embark on herbalism and cider making, even if the apples are at the beginning " borrowed "With the complicity of the monk Michael, her lover, in neighboring convent. Driven by his "friends" Indians, it will accept the distillation of cider with calvados risks of prohibition.
story well done, accurate descriptions and pictorial, Francine Allard, writer of talent, a knack for writing and art falls and twists. A novel that takes us into the Québec that we hold dear. A delight.
------------------------------------------------- ------------

- Volume 2 " The revenge of the black widow "

This second volume continues the parallel lives of two heroines : Donald Crevier and Emilia Trudel. Donald
enhance their knowledge in botany and become a caregiver by plants in great demand. His herbalism, famous throughout the region, will experience his son Joseph and the beautiful family dede it. But this life of success will not come without drama. Her lover, a former monk passion for botany, will return to the convent for the love of plants, the glory and the money expected. Avenging Donald will be ruthless.
Courageous, it will cover only the distillation of alcohol prohibited and will be interned. Even in prison, his aura will attract people lost their marks and collect with her a former prostitute.
This woman of character to avoid conscription and his son will not hesitate to go to murder to protect against the authorities. An exceptional woman.
Emilia, with the same sense of independence, a remarkable era macho become a creative fashion that wealthy women will climb out, not without being hit, too, by painful events: the death of his brother- over Holland, criminal and fascist drift of Louis, her husband. Fortunately, she found peace in the arms of a good man, attentive to buy a car in violation of social etiquette, and this vehicle may be easier there, in the third volume, titled "The persistence of rosemary " encounter with the woman who was a short time his "mother", the herbalist Donald!

Second Volume we happily devoured.

-------------------------------------- You can listen Francine Allard about his work on

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Play Sets Blue Prints

Five Questions for Francine Allard (Quebec)

Many writers, French artists, very talented, often, alas, unknown within the Francophonie.
Centre Francophone de Bourgogne had the good fortune to receive a number. But many others are well deserving of our attention. ALLARD Francine is one of them. It is an honor for us to recognize him in our " Francophone artists have talent .

Five Questions for Francine Allard, writer, poet and artist from Quebec.

1) Francine Allard, you're in Quebec, and Quebec has played an active role in the constitution of the French-speaking, what do you personally for La Francophonie?

In 2008, I attended the XVII International Conference of French-speaking peoples who was in Quebec. I am a member of the Association of Francophone Writers of America is saying that the Francophonie is of major importance to me. And I add that it must be omnipresent for all Quebec writers because our province is shaken, as you know, by political considerations, being a small French sailing boat by wind and tide on a sea of anglophones.
French is at risk here and the writer - one who carries the words - should exert a greater influence than in any francophone country. I carry this desire for an independent country as a loving mother wants freedom from her child. I also work in the bulletin of the Association for safeguarding and expansion of the French language (ASSELAF) based in Paris, representing the views of a Quebec writer.
In Quebec, Francophone literatures and attending just tickle our roots and our many humanistic spirit. The writers of all backgrounds are welcome in French Canada a copy.
As a writer with many facets, I'm the first to benefit from the generous influence of designers in the world. My novels for young people led my young readers in Scotland, Mexico, Africa, even though I've never been there. A collection of Michelin guides and Petit backpacker decorate my personal library and help me to make travel very close to reality. As if you were there! My novels of the era, in Montreal and Quebec countryside, The Seamstress , show that French was best for the intrusion of the Quebec International Francophone world. The contribution of literature to my socio-political world is now incontrovertible and I am delighted. Being part of the international Francophone literature is the greatest good that I wish for 2010.

2) In your work, you discuss topics rarely addressed in literature: psychiatry, childhood disability, Is this by training, compassion or humanity?

I do not write children's books for only entertain children. Like most novels are written for young people with "old" I'm always amazed that many authors are ignoring here the quality of the language to facilitate understanding of youth. So they do not feel alone in the center of their entanglements, these authors attempt, through complacency, to forge links with their readers. The author speaks like them, place them in a familiar world, their present circumstances they know, and never take them away or ask them the effort required to move forward. There is now a children's literature became king. I try to disassociate myself.
So here I am with literary fiction (already a difference) who talk to children elderly, the consecration of children, if I may say so, but also respect for adults. In my novels, children are not always right and they are placed in front of their own mirror and must learn to judge their actions. I speak to them also children with intellectual disabilities ( Two little bears in the middle of the tornado - ed. West Wind; The last race of Mado Belanger - ed. Québec-Amérique ) of the difference ( A flower between two stones - ed. Marcel Broquet ; The Secret Universe of Willie flyboat - Hurtubise HMH ) not forgetting all my collaborations with collectives in which I treat Alzheimer's and childhood cancer. I also wrote fantasy novels that were the trigger.
I as a teacher of handicapped children with whom I have always called "my little flower sick." I have taught that few years, but I was always concerned about people dissimilar. Coming out of my novel Two little bears in the middle of the tornado, five journalists told me about the beginning of chapter twelve that has marked as Bertrand, the main character, tells how his mother feels a mentally handicapped child. It's a very touching passage as if I was able to enter the head of a young mentally handicapped. I have always been affected by the difference. I am still involved with my pen, as more defensive than offensive weapon for the protection of people put on the road shoulder: sick or abused, the abandoned elderly, the innocent victims. I do it with all the poetry that characterizes my writing.

I think this is the greatest legacy that I left several generations of young readers.

3) You're a novelist, poet, you've made the Conservatory of Music and Drama, you taught, you have been a chorister at Radio Canada, a time comedian, you are watercolors, make pottery, shows you step, step in on topical issues with passion and without compromise, what motivates such a bustle?

An incredible activity comes from an overactive imagination. I am among those who are born with the beginning of Québec culture in Canada. My mother then enrolled in ballet classes, piano, fine arts, folk dance, painting and surely I'm forgetting. Very encouraged by my parents, I was admitted to the Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art in Quebec in classical singing, then I could complete high school together (classical studies) to university philosophy. Paradoxically coasting Søren Kierkegaard, Plato, Martin Heidegger and Nietzsche that I realized I had to choose a profession humanist. Their contradictions were mine and I was convinced to become a teacher to educate the adults of tomorrow.
I was born teacher. I'm still remained. Thus, faced with a group of any kind, I turn into something transmitter. I say the poetry to a packed theater, I give lectures on the topics of greatest concern and I'm in my element. That the cross looks, signs approvers, especially laughter. As I studied performing arts, drama and song, and I made my debut as a comedian, I am very comfortable in front of an audience. Where I'm totally destabilized, is when I doubt that the audience understands me. My first trip to Nice in 2004 made me realize that I had to leave Quebec accent, even if my boyfriend made fun of my southern accent! I suffer from acute mimicry. You might have heard me talk with Marseille and their "assent." Same thing when I go to Acadia, New Brunswick. I get the accent.
I need to speak but also to ensure eternal life because it promised me that the Catholic Church of old, disappeared along with my enthusiasm. I try by all means to leave traces: lace, watercolors, pottery, writing is my preferred means. Show what I am by the things I do! We have built an artist studio at fifty yards from our house called Den Ferron (Ferron Jacques is a great writer and doctor Quebec as my husband) when I installed an art gallery and poetry. Tourists who enter have a Japanese tea (in honor of Dany Laferriere) and can hear the poetry, mine. I live for creativity. And I also suffer for it.

4) Your trilogy "The Dressmaker" is amazing, and hopefully destined for a great future, why did you get started in a saga so grand and what do your research you have learned about Quebec?

The Seamstress ( The hands of time and the revenge of the black widow ) is a saga of almost 1 500 pages, published by the great Victor-Lévy Beaulieu, probably our Victor Hugo to us. I am very proud. But the French can read and loved this trilogy (The persistence of rosemary , third volume in the pipeline) would fill me with happiness. Yes, I dive into the lives of the Quebec countryside with the character of Donald Crevier became caregiver by plants, and Montreal, the city, with the character of Emilia Trudel, become a fashion designer Christian Dior was like.
When a French bed besides The Seamstress, he learned all about Quebec, the lives of people in 1910 to the arrival of the Universal Exhibition of 1967. That year was entering Quebec in the big leagues and thanks to Jean Drapeau, the visionary mayor of Montreal, the world began to hear us. Like Felix Leclerc, arrived in Europe many writers, singers, theater people and circus performers and comedians. Although there is still much to be done to promote our literature in France - as your body does to the wonder-Quebec writers are in better positions than before.
I can not claim to have learned a lot from my Much research on Quebec from the early twentieth century. The women in my life, my grandmothers and my mother had me so much. But I learned about the psychology of people whose children went to the front for a monarchy that was a legend. Britain has given long ago, a pat on the back of Canada by offering him his freedom. Quebec alone has understood that as the child of the ten most cheeky. But I learned an important thing: when a writer tells the past, he must know everything in detail about what happened.
is what I think I achieved by writing The Seamstress. The third volume will be accompanied by a lengthy bibliography which will prove the many historical books that I consulted. My readers may continue their incursion into this universe that has served the mine. I refuse however to include a glossary of Quebec. Because when I heard that said Fernandel example Cucugnan The Cure, and when I read Pagnol all contemporary authors who use the slang of Paris, I just found out the background and I want my players French fun too. Although the language of The Seamstress is almost free of Quebec.
I learned from the vast horde of vintage novels that populate the bookstores right now, he must multiply the efforts of promotion. The novel Les Filles de Caleb, for example, arrived at the right time and has sold thousands of copies. In Quebec, given the small number of readers, was a bestseller when it sells 3,000 copies of a novel. The seamstress has surpassed 10,000 copies.

5) Your watercolors are very striking: the colors, editing, research, why is this art that you prefer?

The watercolor has almost always served by transparency, drawing landscapes, flowers or fish. This is what the school taught me watercolor. Knots on the trunks of trees, grass out of the snow, flower gardens. My first watercolor was a large woman holding a mirror behind which stood a young child, saliva in the mouth. There were lots of colors faded in tissue. I asked him a master and I brought it to my teacher. It was much to criticize as a technician, but admitted that she was subdued. The following week, the publisher Alain Stanke was using the big lady with horn for the cover of my first novel: My beautiful pitoune Gold (1995).
Like madness that allows me the visual arts. The pastel or dry, acrylic, handmade paper, masks, semi-porcelain in glass cases, allow me to express myself, but never like watercolor that requires a large spontaneous gesture we do not touch the watercolor - and lends itself well to contemporary gestures. So, right now, I work in a collection entitled VINO why I use first the calligraphy pen to write hundreds of names of French wines and Italian (my love is dedicated oenophile) that I drown in watercolor and then add labels and even bottle caps transformed into a lead that I sesterces. The result is greatly appreciated.
I try to sell it to tenants Québécois works that call their products with pretty names. This is not so different from writing. And I can write picola a bit, right? You can visit my gallery by going to my site:

Taylor Soft Serve Repair Frequency

2010 leads and prospects

In the closet ... those old books this fall, here is the new literary season. In
head, a first event:
biography of BS Johnson by Jonathan Coe ( Story of a fiery elephant ) in Quidam. Event because it is the culmination of the discovery This English author. The biography comes just after the translation of Unlucky published in November (here) and not-far from it-the novel's most difficult for Johnson. Curiously it is a scary writer, I hope that this biography and the media impact of Coe's work will help Johnson find a wide audience.
Belle came home with two titles Bourgois:
Sarah Hall How to paint a dead man ; Sylvia and Leonard Michaels . Big news for
Chevillard with two books, a new installment in the Autofiction (edited by avenger Tree) and a novel at Midnight: Choir.
In terms of (re) discoveries:
Pfitzer Andrew Crumey the Tree avenger (formerly the Feathered Serpent). Shelley Jackson
The melancholy of anatomy , published by José Corti ed. Christophe
Pradeau, The great savagery, Verdier.
Juan Gabriel Vazquez, Secret History of Costaguana , Seuil.

Finally in my garden grows the novels of Patrick Roegiers ( The night of the world , Seuil) and those of Christian Gailly ( Lily and Braine, Midnight, a tender and funny novel about the presence in the world).

I want to find time to return in little more on at least all those books, because then there are the large machines which will tumble (Bolano and his Third Reich which I expect a lot (in proportion to my inability to read the last text published posthumously), Vila- Matas Dublin, Sorokin and a bomb over a thousand pages at Verdier).