is what applies Zachary Mason in his collection of texts songs lost Odyssey , look in the Homeric corpus and draw the material from him. He takes out several pictures, news, stories as well as reconstructions of fragments of re-arrangements of pieces of stories. It's a balancing act. Use of characters and episodes from the Iliad and the Odyssey to redial a work quite modern, same and different at once.
He pecks here and there, deepens a character, focuses on another, always with relevance and sagacity. Sometimes the character changes completely, sometimes it is the changing environment, making Ulysses same architect of his own legend. Several returns to Ithaca are planned, diverse Penelope coexist in the book.
must admit that the talent of Zachary Mason is amazing. and how to reshape the stories from the Homeric material makes his book a true wonder, in any case a thorough job of playing great. Behind all these stories
Mason makes us foresee the permanence of the Homeric works, both soil of any Western literature and inspiration for the modern for contemporary design.
There is no need to dwell on the vitality and importance of Homer in the contemporary field, the constant translations in almost all languages are constantly news of his act, the works of Joyce or Rios (to among others) too.
What concerns me here is how to read news about Mason resonate with other news: one of the last trial of Pierre Bayard And if the works of authors changed (Editions de Minuit ), in which in which he presents the case of Samuel Butler (English novelist of the nineteenth century explorer and imaginary worlds translator of Homer) and his theory (literary) which means that the Odyssey was written by a woman living in Sicily. In doing so, our whole perception of the text that changes. Copernican revolution, the reader feels compelled to reconsider the place of women in Homeric gesture, not only the case of the patient and loving Penelope, but also that of Circe, Nausicaa, and finally that of Claypso goddesses. (By completing this section, the chance of knowing me down on a novel by Oscar Wilde, who has just been published by Climate specifically on the role of women in Homer ...).
Back to Zachary Mason its variations. The back cover mentions Borges (this was expected from reading the first news) what strikes even more is the consistency that emerges from the entire book, consistency made clear by the layout changes. We end the book with one idea, that of navigating back a little in the work of Homer
He pecks here and there, deepens a character, focuses on another, always with relevance and sagacity. Sometimes the character changes completely, sometimes it is the changing environment, making Ulysses same architect of his own legend. Several returns to Ithaca are planned, diverse Penelope coexist in the book.
must admit that the talent of Zachary Mason is amazing. and how to reshape the stories from the Homeric material makes his book a true wonder, in any case a thorough job of playing great. Behind all these stories
Mason makes us foresee the permanence of the Homeric works, both soil of any Western literature and inspiration for the modern for contemporary design.
There is no need to dwell on the vitality and importance of Homer in the contemporary field, the constant translations in almost all languages are constantly news of his act, the works of Joyce or Rios (to among others) too.
What concerns me here is how to read news about Mason resonate with other news: one of the last trial of Pierre Bayard And if the works of authors changed (Editions de Minuit ), in which in which he presents the case of Samuel Butler (English novelist of the nineteenth century explorer and imaginary worlds translator of Homer) and his theory (literary) which means that the Odyssey was written by a woman living in Sicily. In doing so, our whole perception of the text that changes. Copernican revolution, the reader feels compelled to reconsider the place of women in Homeric gesture, not only the case of the patient and loving Penelope, but also that of Circe, Nausicaa, and finally that of Claypso goddesses. (By completing this section, the chance of knowing me down on a novel by Oscar Wilde, who has just been published by Climate specifically on the role of women in Homer ...).
Back to Zachary Mason its variations. The back cover mentions Borges (this was expected from reading the first news) what strikes even more is the consistency that emerges from the entire book, consistency made clear by the layout changes. We end the book with one idea, that of navigating back a little in the work of Homer

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