I much liked what she was saying, so I'll share this text:
"A call 20 personalities claiming to remove the primary grades at school. The rating is an assessment system with multiple modalities. Our system notes ranging from 0 to 20 . Some countries noted in ten. Are there still scales of letters, which restrict the scale: AAC, for example, which have already been tested in France. Or narrative assessments, if awarded by case, who leave the ladder but can still be estimated.
rating is given by relevant for two main reasons: it is humiliating and it gives rise to the competition. We are reminded that the young child afflicted with bad grades loses confidence. He thinks he found him, so we judge his work and not his person. He developed the spiral of failure. In addition, the note is a degree in a scale. It compares its own results with those of others. The result is a competition that can be sneaky or cruel. The law of the jungle begins in elementary school ...
Further increase of the field of victimization: there is too much suffering in school! One third of children, it seems, have a stomach ache in the morning before you go ... It would be better to ask if there is no suffering beneficial, and why. Life is not a path of roses. And this, it must be learned like the rest, from the beginning, but obviously so age-appropriate and meaningful way. Education be the goal of saving the child from suffering, it would be stupidity teaching. Parents who employ them, make old baby that everyone ends up running away.
But maybe this suffering is not appropriate, it is useless. This is where you hear all sorts of arguments piled one upon another, like a endless inventory, for example: four out of ten children with serious shortcomings, or: the selection is done by the failure. This has nothing to do with the subject. We are stunned to learn that the shortcomings and failures come from scoring. Reasoning surprising: as if it was claimed that the disease was caused by fever. Our grandparents could read-write-count passing the graduation certificate n'étaientils not evaluated? They laugh the world.
As for the selection by failure, so real, it comes from our obsession with intellectual occupations, which means that it sends "technical" those who failed the essays in the humanities. Notes or not, he should make to every student matters where it succeeds, instead of keeping their eye on the materials 'noble'. What is the scientific study without ever wanted, just because they are good at math? The only academic success possible is it to be good at math? Then possibly literary materials, and especially not, unfortunately, carpentry - you do that when it is unable at all. Rather, this bias should be reformed because it is stupid because that's much unnecessary suffering inflicted on students. Simone Weil wrote in The Need for Roots: "A social system is profoundly ill when a farmer works the land with the thought that if he is a farmer, because he was not smart enough to become a teacher. "The school is there suffering at all levels.
Our rating system is may become inadequate. This is not precisely that we must defend him, but the justifications it contains. All apprenet competition, whose notes are an expression. And the appeal against the notes still reflects this paradox tinged cynicism most of the signatories have passed through the circuits of excellence, without which they would not have been in a position to sign it. Is to force competition, topping selections in that they have become "better" than others, embodying themselves if they reject the inequality virtuously. This paradox bordering on cynicism, very French. With us, it is customary to set aside a privileged sector highly competitive for the elite, while he wants to apply to ground an egalitarian ideology, which produces mediocrity. In other words, the description of suffering is through weaving school requirement and demands an effort. When there is learning and effort, any assessment must. The student is not alone in the world, and his work can not be judged from the point of view of Sirius. His work can be assessed only in relation to the other - is it still the distance between its performance and that of others is not abysmal, and that is why it is absurd to ban level classes, where the smallest differences limit the feeling of worthlessness.
the top and bottom of the case, which is evident in this appeal is the eternal struggle against the French selection, inequality appears rather patronizing to a people which should not be asking too much, while if this type of reform was implemented, competitive private schools, where the elite send their children, of course, would keep the system notation, where each child is destined to go into great schools, and must be measured from the start as a wrestler stage ... We remember the days when the socialist ministers, while they used the discourse of republican equality in school, enrolled their children at the School of Alsace. One speech does not make much sense if it is made only for others. "
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