To my right the heavyweight critics, for whom homosexuals is that queers, the guts of criticism before the war ... I appointed leeeeeeeeeee Stalker.
In the other corner who can not say no to the discussion, the Iberian because it is not a bookseller, who is on the side barbarians ... Faustoooooooo!
And finally those who do not prefer, and yet prefer the pavement-eating for breakfast ... he never closes his eyes, I appointed Bartlebyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
The debate was lively this week on the web, this place at three sites by a dialogue between three antagonists, the cream of literary wrestling.
is tight, bright, passionate and truly heated. Preface
second part
third part (coming Friday).
advance theories, it discusses its dry end ham. However
in their search for the difference between literature and writers hacks it I'm surprised there for them no alternative. They argue Faulkner McCarthy, Bolano cons Nothomb and Musso. There is nothing between. The literature is strangely split between mud and sublime.
But what happens if the next novel by Marc Levy was a great book?
What would be the revolution if indeed and undeniably A both you (the title) was a cornerstone in the manner of Sentimental Education, a revolution in the analysis of feeling in love early twenty-first century, what would happen if you A two had to be of the same stamp as Dostoyevsky or Conrad ... If
Marco gave us to read something really new, safe, great ....
theories of our three wrestlers would take it before it ...
suddenly a block deep. ..

Read more.
To be more serious, we must admit that the discussion is in compliance and is already encouraging. Each advance his point of view and develop the fine art of criticism on the new medium Internet. We will not
complain when they give us food for thought.
PS. I had the idea of a writer Marc by reading a novel by Martin Amis New Career (in Heavy water and other news , Gallimard) ... simply amazing.
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