Author: Anne Cuneo.
Genre: romance
Campiche Editions Bernard (Switzerland)
Here without context a strong book that paints with control, the story of a part of Europe in the twentieth century. In reality, this story covers the period from 1870 to the late 20th century.
Anne Cuneo, a leading writer of contemporary literature Suisse Romande, uses a clever trick. It delivers a great-granddaughter, Alice, a book of Zaid, his adored great-grandmother, who died more than Centennial, which had gathered at her house at the age of 4 years. This story sort of saga, more than 200 pages written alternately in four languages, says, in fact, the 20th century.
Zaida, the "lucky", is half English, half Italian, a wealthy aristocratic family in Cornwall. His mother, retrograde conservative at heart, her hopes of a big family wedding but this thwarts the intention fatal accident. Zaidi, 18, meeting in the storm, a young aristocrat nonconformist, Basil. They married in a short time. Definitive break with the mother and father's unwavering support, a pillar the City.
Zaïda wants to become a doctor, a revolutionary idea for a woman at the time. Stay some time at Pontoise, then off to Zurich to study medicine with, in luggage, a French governess who will remain in his service all his life and raise her children. This
loving husband will die first drama, and there will be many more. Now doctor, she returned to Cornwall to help the local doctor, also proven at the same time and met her second husband, a doctor, who, in turn, will disappear murdered in Italy, leaving her two children.
Married Then an Italian surgeon, originally from Trieste occupied by the Austrians, a banking family, the couple will live in Milan and will have a boy (the grandfather of Alice). This couple
generous service to others will live the increasing dangers of the twentieth century (Italian and German fascism, the 2nd World War, the Nazi racial laws) and with clarity and control, Anne Cuneo will describe the procedure, people's lives in Italy, Switzerland, briefly in England and France. Threatened by the Brown Shirts of Italian fascism, they will fly to Zurich where they will help many Jewish refugees or resistant. A German bombing of England will destroy their two children and grandchildren come to take refuge there. Only survive the couple's son went to study in the United States.
the war ended, returning to Milan. The couple converts in psychiatric medicine to help people overcome the aftermath of the war. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren succeed. This third husband with whom Zaid lived over thirty years, disappeared in turn.
At the end of her life, she will collect her granddaughter, Alice, his mother fails. When leaving the home of Zaida, Alice prevail as the only memory, two paintings, portraits actually witnessed the passion of love only her great-grandmother.
story exciting and neat book editor Bernard Swiss Campiche.
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Anne Cuneo is
born in Paris in 1936 to Italian immigrant parents. After the war, she returned with her family in Milan. The death of her father, she spends part of his youth in religious boarding schools in Italy or Switzerland. She ran away to England, learned English and returned to continue his studies in Lausanne, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts.
key to everything, it will carry multiple jobs: waitress, counselor, receptionist, secretary, translator, teacher, journalist, screenwriter and film director!
Then she started writing she would never leave with the success that we know. It covers all topics, and many genres, like detective stories, participate in experiments cinema, radio, theatrical, moved to the staging and execution. This author
boundless energy remains attentive to the time, feels close to people battered by life and it's not a mystery if the sincerity of his writing attracts many readers. A great writer .
Here without context a strong book that paints with control, the story of a part of Europe in the twentieth century. In reality, this story covers the period from 1870 to the late 20th century.
Anne Cuneo, a leading writer of contemporary literature Suisse Romande, uses a clever trick. It delivers a great-granddaughter, Alice, a book of Zaid, his adored great-grandmother, who died more than Centennial, which had gathered at her house at the age of 4 years. This story sort of saga, more than 200 pages written alternately in four languages, says, in fact, the 20th century.
Zaida, the "lucky", is half English, half Italian, a wealthy aristocratic family in Cornwall. His mother, retrograde conservative at heart, her hopes of a big family wedding but this thwarts the intention fatal accident. Zaidi, 18, meeting in the storm, a young aristocrat nonconformist, Basil. They married in a short time. Definitive break with the mother and father's unwavering support, a pillar the City.
Zaïda wants to become a doctor, a revolutionary idea for a woman at the time. Stay some time at Pontoise, then off to Zurich to study medicine with, in luggage, a French governess who will remain in his service all his life and raise her children. This
loving husband will die first drama, and there will be many more. Now doctor, she returned to Cornwall to help the local doctor, also proven at the same time and met her second husband, a doctor, who, in turn, will disappear murdered in Italy, leaving her two children.
Married Then an Italian surgeon, originally from Trieste occupied by the Austrians, a banking family, the couple will live in Milan and will have a boy (the grandfather of Alice). This couple
generous service to others will live the increasing dangers of the twentieth century (Italian and German fascism, the 2nd World War, the Nazi racial laws) and with clarity and control, Anne Cuneo will describe the procedure, people's lives in Italy, Switzerland, briefly in England and France. Threatened by the Brown Shirts of Italian fascism, they will fly to Zurich where they will help many Jewish refugees or resistant. A German bombing of England will destroy their two children and grandchildren come to take refuge there. Only survive the couple's son went to study in the United States.
the war ended, returning to Milan. The couple converts in psychiatric medicine to help people overcome the aftermath of the war. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren succeed. This third husband with whom Zaid lived over thirty years, disappeared in turn.
At the end of her life, she will collect her granddaughter, Alice, his mother fails. When leaving the home of Zaida, Alice prevail as the only memory, two paintings, portraits actually witnessed the passion of love only her great-grandmother.
story exciting and neat book editor Bernard Swiss Campiche.
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Anne Cuneo is

key to everything, it will carry multiple jobs: waitress, counselor, receptionist, secretary, translator, teacher, journalist, screenwriter and film director!
Then she started writing she would never leave with the success that we know. It covers all topics, and many genres, like detective stories, participate in experiments cinema, radio, theatrical, moved to the staging and execution. This author
boundless energy remains attentive to the time, feels close to people battered by life and it's not a mystery if the sincerity of his writing attracts many readers. A great writer .
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