Before an audience interested but restricted because of the snowstorm that night, the author talked about his recent trip to Palestine, his encounters with Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and his emotion at the grave in Ramallah, the Palestinian poet, Mahmoud Darwish.
Through this work, the poet wanted to witness the suffering, deprivation and suffocation of the Palestinian people. The
book is constructed in two parts. The first recounts the war (late 2008) against Gaza, where he was unable to travel, the 2nd covers his brief stay in the occupied territories, including Ramallah, Nablus, East Jerusalem and Bir Zeit, where he was invited for readings by the Consulate General of France.
What struck the writer, is the reality of the occupation with the use of Israeli currency in the Territories, many constructions of settlements on the hills, the use of signage propaganda purposes, the endless checkpoints, the conditions in refugee camps, such as Balata, near Nablus. But the humanist
what the writer wanted to emphasize especially the huge injustice that hits the Palestinians. Recall the restrictions on freedoms, confiscations of land regular, deportations, house demolitions, arrests and arbitrary detentions (over 11,000 Palestinians languishing in Israeli jails), targeted assassinations, bombings intolerable schools or hospitals, contrary to all international laws with impunity, without the concert of nations it émeuve. Denounce in the region an historic injustice that every human conscience can not ignore. The author does not share the vision of Hamas sends rockets into Israel, but that does not justify the deluge of fire and bombs, these acts of barbarism and war crimes. The silence of Western media bias or not we can meet or hide the Palestinian tragedy as this is the source of a continuing threat to world peace. Condemn conduct projects and colonialist Israel in the Occupied Territories since 1967 can not be equated with anti-Semitism, just as despicable as any racism.
As noted a listener in the audience, there is something paradoxical, even psychoanalysis, in the Palestinian anti-Israel. How can a people that has suffered so much: anathema, discards, the pogroms, the Holocaust, concentration camps, can he treat other people with such violence? The violence spread hate, despair, discourage the best wishes.
" Salam Gaza" is a deeply humane book which reflects the desire for peace. He claims the respect of human rights for everyone, anywhere, whatever its origin, religion, culture, language. He asks neither more nor less for the Palestinians.
Though written in prose, "Salam Gaza" is a book full of poetry books. Besides the poems Tahar Bekri, there are beautiful pieces of Mahmoud Darwish, Marilyn Hacker, Ghassan Zaqtan Tristan Cabral ...
A book that is meant brotherly and generous.
Quotes from the book:
I have only my pen to condemn hate, denounce injustice, to outwit the lie.
I have only my pen to disavow the arrogance of arms, the intoxication of powerful, violent conquest.
The world can not allow innocent blood drip on the stones of prayer, the world can not hide the face in the name of guilt.
------------------------------------------ Le Breuil
Before debate, Tahar Bekri met the journalist of the Saone et Loire, here is an excerpt from the article:
Quotes from the book:
I have only my pen to condemn hate, denounce injustice, to outwit the lie.
I have only my pen to disavow the arrogance of arms, the intoxication of powerful, violent conquest.
The world can not allow innocent blood drip on the stones of prayer, the world can not hide the face in the name of guilt.
------------------------------------------ Le Breuil
Before debate, Tahar Bekri met the journalist of the Saone et Loire, here is an excerpt from the article:
" This book is a diary full of poetry and emotion in which sketched out an inquiry moral of the story ". To Tahar, these past few days there, he did discover a reality more tragic, more painful, more violent that what is reported and shown worldwide. " World opinion is not sufficiently informed on the situation of Palestinians and this book was necessary to better understand. You can not overshadow the drama unfolding long . "(TM Cannard)
Before his arrival, we asked three questions to the poet, we publish the answers
Centre Francophone: 1) Invited by Consulate General of France in East Jerusalem for a series of readings, you went in the Palestinian Territories occupied, why he wrote the book "Salam Gaza?
Centre Francophone: 1) Invited by Consulate General of France in East Jerusalem for a series of readings, you went in the Palestinian Territories occupied, why he wrote the book "Salam Gaza?
Tahar Bekri: In fact, I went to the West Bank in March 2009 where I did readings and meetings in Ramallah, Nablus, East Jerusalem and Bir Zeit. The trip came after the war against Gaza in December-January 2008. These two events are the basis of my book, now a necessity that was imposed upon me to witness the suffering and tragedy and challenge Palestinian history and the universal consciousness. The poet must defend the beauty of a just and fraternal world, not not be complicit in the oppression, colonization and land confiscation law, the humiliation of peoples.
WMC 2) known your tireless concern for justice and freedom. Is it because you have known the prison of Bourguiba and exile?
TB: I live in France since 1976 and back in Tunisia since 1989. Ethics in writing tells me this strong conviction that without respect for fundamental values, human undignified. What is poetry if not song of freedom, beauty bright, generous voice, search for profound truths, love of life?
WMC 3) You're known as a French poet, but you also teach Arabic at the University of Nanterre, you write in Arabic. According to you can bring to humanity the language diversity?
T. B: I was lucky to Tunisia to attend a bilingual education which I consider a treasure. It opened two windows on two of the most vital crops. The plurality and diversity of languages is like a mosaic that adorns the human landscape. What is a monotonous monochrome. Mankind was not made by one civilization or one language. Linguistic Diversity brings a lot to cultural tolerance, reduces hegemony, establishes the right of peoples to choose their identity.
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