is the time or after years of increasing production volume, and despite the maintenance of the application, the extraction does not follow, and the number of barrels dispatched each day decreases ...
past fifteen years, a majority of experts are predicting the imminent that peak ... And often mocked, from birds of ill omens ...
In its annual World Energy Outlook 2010, The International Energy Agency (IEA), puts everyone agrees: "The production of crude oil rises and settles more or less around 68-69 Mb / d (million barrels per day) in 2020, but never found a record of 70 Mb / d in 2006 reached it. " other words, the peak occurred in 2006.
Logically, this news should have been commented on extensively, making the front page of the world press, stock markets have fallen and it would finally answer the question: " Knowing that the boat is sinking, at what point do we something?"
But apparently, this issue does not always passionate crowds ...
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